Ahhhh! Chicks from a feed store!!

i didn't get mine vaccinated because my whole flock will be 15 chickens...feed them medicated at first and no problems so far...only have had to cut a chicken toe off my RIR roo so i consider myself very lucky considering some of the stuff i have read others are dealing with, but i read everything so i'm prepared....good luck with your new chicks!!!
I personally would rather support a reputable breeder close to home for many reasons. First you can see what the chicks will look like when they grow up, much less stress on them if they are not crammed in tiny cages most likely with empty food/water bowls and shipped 100's of miles. Most likely they will be much healthier than any chick you would buy from a feed store. (i have done it in the past)And you will most likely get a bird of higher quality from a local breeder then through a feed store or hatchery. Remember I said "reputable breeder."
I am sorry for your losses, best of luck with your next purchase!
I received 35 chicks from My Pet Chicken the first week this month. (25 barred rocks, 10 silkies)

We lost one of the silkies but the other 34 seem to be doing fine.

I wouldn't hesitate to order from them in the future.

Good luck !
is it possible to post in the section for your state/area and go in on a full order with a few others? i agree with others about calling the local feed store and tell them you wont be buying chicks from them any more. It may be an easy fix for them, maybe they just dont know their doing something wrong.
Our hen group in Milwaukee ordered our chicks from MPC. Even after spending almost six (cold, wet) hours in a mail truck and being rather mean to each other when they arrived, they're doing FANTASTICALLY. We chose to have them vaccinated for Mareks and they're on medicated feed because they'll be interacting with random flocks from time to time. We've lost two Silkie chicks that we had in with them, unfortunately (not from MPC). We have three--on Speckled Sussex, one Golden Campine, and one Easter Egger. They're perky and turned one week old on Monday. They're starting to get wing feathers and combs and look so old already!
GOSH so sorry you lost your chick's.I hope your ordered one's do great for ya.I haven't ordered anything Via Mail for a couple year's.The last thing I got was 24 gosling's from Mc Murray and they arrived safe and was gorgeous bird's.I have bought live chick's this year from TSC and think We lost one newbie in the 2nd run within the fist couple of day's.All the other's did great and having fun free ranging around for now.We got 24 freebie's a couple years ago from our Old mill, layer variety and they were very healthy as well.Maybe someone need's to look into the feed store or maybe supplier if they are dying like that.
I would love to go through a reputable breeder. In fact I really am glad you mentioned it because in my anger I totally over looked that option. I am not sure how to look up breeders in my area though. Any suggestions on how to find breeders?
we got our first 13 chicks from our local feed store but our feed store is great and took great care of them but they only take preorders no in store sales. We lost only two of the 13. We then found a guy in our local classified paper with chicks of different ages as ours were now 4 weeks old so we got 5 more to replace the two we lost( yes i know chicken math we lost two so we replaced them with 5!!)
so maybe look in your local papers or even craigslist you may find a local seller like we did?
That's so awesome!!! Haha the name was given to me by my animal science teacher and FFA group in high school.

Its so cool that she spells it the same way!! I don't see that very often! Usually its spelled Christa.

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