Ahhhh Craigslist, you've done it again

Isn't any worse than the thread titles on this forum that read "Need more nipples" and "My nipples are up to high"
You're making me wish I'd saved the one I found for a La Mancha doeling... it started out normal sounding enough, but when they got into "should grow a nice milky udder" and how her mother has a "big milky bucket," I started wondering what kind of ad I was reading, exactly. LOL
Actually, the ad does make sense. When a cat has a very bad UTI, they will actually give male cats a "sex change operation", if you will, to re-route the urethra. It's a very expensive operation, but my cousins had to have the same done to their cat to save it's life. Now they joke that their male is much more "feminine" than before!

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