Ailing Silkie Pullet getting worse and worse… Please help.

Jun 7, 2022
Hi everyone. I have a 11 week old silkie pullet that seems to be getting worse and worse. While she has always been the smallest of her age group, I noticed she wasn’t doing well about 3 weeks ago because one of her eyes were crusted shut. After further inspection, I found she had a bad case of lice. I deep cleaned the coop and dusted the nooks and crannies with diatomaceous earth, sprayed her, the flock, and the coop with permethrin twice. I did my best to remove as many nits as I could using my fingers and coconut oil, cuticle trimmers, and tweezers but she still looks like she has dreadlocks due to the amount of nits. I ordered Elector PSP and it will be here in 3 days and have Nutri Drench in their water so she doesn’t become anemic.

She has had this eye infection for 3 weeks now. I started using colloidal silver drops for 5 days, and when that didn’t work, I began treating with Terramycin for the last 2 weeks and have seen 0 improvement. Both eyes are infected when it was previously just one.

She’s clearly uncomfortable, she can barely see and her head is so itchy due to the lice. I don’t know what else to do to help her. I’m worried she’s going to lose the will to live and die because I can’t help her.

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