air cell incubating eggs are a little small for 9 days.


5 Years
Sep 21, 2014
So i am incubating some eggs in a little giant circulated air incubator and the eggs seem to be quite small for 9 days. I fill the water things when needed and i keep one air vent out. Does any one have any idea what could be going on? Im a little worried.
If you feel your air cells are too small then the humidity could be too high. In order for your air cells to grow adequately your eggs need to loose enough moisture. Eggs lose moisture through their shells and the rate of evaporation depends on humidity levels around the eggs. Short term variations in humidity are not important. The average over the incubation period needs to be near optimum to achieve the ideal weight loss. I would try to lower your your humidity I hatch at 45% for day 1-18 then 65% for lockdown. With only being on day 9 this should not be problem as long as you lower it if it is too high. There are some good pictures in the learning centre on candling eggs. Hope this helps and wishing you the very best of luck with your eggs :frow
If you feel your air cells are too small then the humidity could be too high. In order for your air cells to grow adequately your eggs need to loose enough moisture. Eggs lose moisture through their shells and the rate of evaporation depends on humidity levels around the eggs. Short term variations in humidity are not important. The average over the incubation period needs to be near optimum to achieve the ideal weight loss. I would try to lower your your humidity I hatch at 45% for day 1-18 then 65% for lockdown. With only being on day 9 this should not be problem as long as you lower it if it is too high. There are some good pictures in the learning centre on candling eggs. Hope this helps and wishing you the very best of luck with your eggs

X 2... I would get the humidity lowered for the next 9 days.
Is there another way i could lower the humidity i have one of the airvents out and im filling all the little water holders?
To lower humidity you need to remove water from your incubator. It's surface area of water that creates the humidity and not depth of water in pots. I would start with a small amount of water in one pot let that settle for an hour to get a reading from your hygrometer then if you need to add more only do it a small amount at a time. You really don't need as much as you think to create humidity. Hope this helps and good luck
To lower humidity you need to remove water from your incubator. It's surface area of water that creates the humidity and not depth of water in pots. I would start with a small amount of water in one pot let that settle for an hour to get a reading from your hygrometer then if you need to add more only do it a small amount at a time. You really don't need as much as you think to create humidity. Hope this helps and good luck

x2 I would also add taking out the other vent cover... I don't even use mine, they are in a baggie in a drawer somewhere in the hatch room
so its now day 15 and 16. I have one of the vents out and im just filling one of the water holders, i now have managed to buy a humidity moniter and currently it reads 43%. The air cells are now much bigger almost the size they should be. So do you think they will hatch ok because im just worried that when they pip their heads wont be near the air sack for their first breath of air?
If your air cells are much bigger and near what they should be they should be fine and able to hatch ok. The chick should know what to do. Try not to worry and good luck :fl
So it is day 18 now and the air cells are mabey a little bigger than an air cell on day 14. If i could figure out how to upload pictures and all of that i would show you but do you think a day 15 size air cell would be okay?

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