Ok so I am convinced that all my chickens are crazy. A week ago I got the babies for my broody that wouldn't give up. She accepted them just fine. She took care of them for a week with no problem whatsoever. This morning I went to let them out, she was killing one when I got there, two more were already dead. Why would she do that, after caring for them all week? Well, now she has no more problems. I grabbed her when I saw what she was doing, she pinched the crap out of my arm, I slung her and she hit a tree. I think I broke her neck, I didn't mean to, but I'm not sad. When am I going to figure out this chicken business SMH

How'd she taste?
Y'all waiting for eggs, make sure they're not laying in spots other than the nest box. You never know
I am so mad right now. Something killed my Dom roo. Pulled head through the fence and broke his neck. :mad: He was so sweet and something had to go and kill him. The girls left in quarantine and the two heal pens are getting moved to the coop tonight.

Now I don't have a roo at all. :banghead:
I am so mad right now. Something killed my Dom roo. Pulled head through the fence and broke his neck. :mad: He was so sweet and something had to go and kill him. The girls left in quarantine and the two heal pens are getting moved to the coop tonight.

Now I don't have a roo at all. :banghead:

I'm sorry to hear that :(
Ok guys -- for the first time in 17 years in the woods (12 in Centreville before moving to Shelby County) I saw and killed (and by killed, I mean got my husband and brought him a hoe) a Timber Rattlesnake. The dang thing crawled onto the cement patio not far from the back door. I've let many a rat snake live and even brown water snakes. As soon as I saw this guy (at dusk and only because it was on the cement) I knew instantly it was different.
3ft. give or take -- juvenile

Ok guys -- for the first time in 17 years in the woods (12 in Centreville before moving to Shelby County) I saw and killed (and by killed, I mean got my husband and brought him a hoe) a Timber Rattlesnake. The dang thing crawled onto the cement patio not far from the back door. I've let many a rat snake live and even brown water snakes. As soon as I saw this guy (at dusk and only because it was on the cement) I knew instantly it was different.
3ft. give or take -- juvenile

Glad you saw it and didn't step on it.
The next day, it seemed like such a waste, so I gave it to the pullet / hen pen. Not for the squeamish, but they had a good time with it!

@Peanutsmom -- you can see 5 little orps in there as well livin large with the big girls. There's young Dorkings in there as well.

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