I would like to but i work my real job ( the one that pays the bills) on Friday Sat Sun
haha I understand. Still, if you know anybody in the area who might be interested in selling or anyone you trust to bring your birds, please do! I need help spreading the word. My "real job" is taking care of two young kids so I'm struggling with getting the word out. It's hard to put flyers up with them :)
My chicks roosted on the edge of their box last night, because they need a coop! They are on my screened in back porch, not a big deal until they start flying all over the place. Hubby has been dragging his feet about helping me build a coop and I have injured my ankle. Anyway. I have a small run I put them in during the day, not too big of a deal. Last night I was talking to the chicks and Kung Pao climbed on my arm, very surprised because we haven't give her the most attention, and then General Tso climbed up on my shoulder and my heart just melted. I assisted her down and she got right back up on my shoulder. She is the heaviest of the 4 and doesn't seem to fly as well as the others. I just love them so much!!!

Do you have anything is their runs for them? Or are they empty?
It doesn't take much for a coup. Depends on number of birds you or unintentiinally plan on having.

If they free range during the day and nest or roost like mine do at night.

Other than cleaning up after them a screened in porch works.

Seen a nice one on Craigs List for under 200. I spent more building my own

This one was the ine i recently seen. It would be hard to by all the materials for this price
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I've committed to be there on Facebook. But let me know how I can help. Sometimes these things are slow to get rolling. Don't get frustrated if the first one is less than hoped for.

Maybe an announcement in the feed store in Kimberly.

Hope you don't take it the wrong way but so glad I'm not planning to go to this especially knowing you will be there. Been struggling to not add more birds into the flock and I don't know if I can resist if you were there with your molted cochins

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