There will definitely be pictures! Unfortunately, the chicks got delayed for some reason coming out of Atlanta and didn't get to my local post office until this evening, so we can't go pick them up until first thing tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed that the extended shipping time doesn't result in any losses. 

Please be safe little birdies.
Hello, all!

Just a reminder... October is a great month to get into showing your birds!

October  8     Anniston     Heart of Dixie
October  15   Clanton       Alabama Bantam Club

October  22   Anniston     West Alabama Poultry Club

For more information, go to Poultry Show Central.

Hope to see you there!

We moved from Hoover, AL to Clanton, AL only 9 months ago and I've never been to a show! Thank you so much for this reminder! Do you know what the October 15th show hours are?
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My poor girls just came out of molt
they aren't worthy of show
but it's a good idea for later.
They're here! We picked them up at 6:30 this morning. My coworker ordered 15 CornishxRock meat birds, and I ordered 8 chicks. We ended up with two spares - the free "exotic" and one other. I have no idea what breeds those two are, but it will be fun watching them grow and trying to figure it out. Most of the babies were very bright and alert, surprisingly, even after being delayed a day in transit. The only one that is concerning me a bit is my Speckled Sussex - she's smaller than the rest and more lethargic. Of course it would be the chick I was most looking forward to that is the one least likely to make it! After multiple beak dippings in the water and a couple of hours to warm up, she seems slightly more perky but still not as alert as the others. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she pulls through.

Of course, I had to take lots of pictures! I think I've managed to identify the correct breeds for all but the two mystery chicks.

Here are the two Easter Eggers. They and the Barred Rock are the biggest non-meat chicks in the bunch. One of them looks just like an owl in the face, so I've already started calling her Hootie.

The Silver Laced Wyandotte:

The Barred Plymouth Rock. She was the first one to find the feeder and spends the most time eating, so I called her Miss Piggy.

This is the little Speckled Sussex. Since she's so tiny, she's been dubbed Minnie.

I think these are the three Welsummers. They were only available as straight run, so the next challenge is to figure out their sexes. One is much lighter than the other two.

And, finally, the two mystery chicks. I'm almost positive the darker one is a cockerel. He is already displaying a bit of a comb, a very upright stance, and a bold, "cocky" (pun intended) personality.

These little ones have completely charmed me already! I spent about two and a half hours just watching them play before I finally had to leave for work.
AU I think your Wellies are 2 cockereles and a pullet

Bummer. When I ordered, I kind of thought that might be the case, although I had gotten my hopes up after being around them for a few days that the ratio might be reversed. I'm open to keeping one roo (as long as he behaves himself), but any "extras" will have to either find new homes or go to freezer camp. I'm assuming that whichever chick is the "free exotic" is also a roo, although I haven't quite figured out which one that is.

Here are the three Wellies at a week of age. One is definitely different from the other two; just not sure which gender is which yet.

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My surviving Wellie is moulting. Not happy with this bird. I don't think i got 20 eggs out of her. She went broody for 2 months. I found some fertie eggs to put under her. Half dissappered and she didn't hatch the others. Now moulting, she might make a better soup.
I bought a pair of them last fall. One was killed by neighbors dog. This one has been a disappointment. Not sure i want any more of them.

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