Paint or Buff Silkie?
I hate to hear that. I spent about 45 minutes with my babies this evening, and the lighter colored Wellie spent an inordinate amount of time chest bumping and challenging the other chicks. I'd like to think that means that the light one is a cockerel and the other two are pullets, but we shall see. I AM convinced, however, that my "Barred Rock" is not a Barred Rock at all. She is feathering in solid black with black/slate legs. I think "she" (fingers crossed) might be a third Easter Egger instead.

Did you purchase a random bunch of chicks or did you select?
Did you purchase a random bunch of chicks or did you select?

I ordered, from Murray McMurray (but I did check the "substitutions acceptable" box):
2 Easter Egger pullets
1 Barred Rock pullet
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullet
1 Speckled Sussex pullet
3 Welsummers (straight run)

I received (2 weeks old in these photos, although the light was fading fast so they're not great):

2 Easter Eggers

1 NOT a Barred Rock - maybe another Easter Egger?

1 Silver Laced Wyandotte

1 Speckled Sussex

3 Welsummers (based on the comb development on two of them, I think you are right about the 2 cockerels, 1 pullet guess, sadly)

And then these two. One was the "free exotic" and the other was a packing peanut. I think they might be Rhode Island Reds, based on what was hatching that week. I'm guessing that the lighter one is a cockerel and the darker one is a pullet, based on behavior and comb development, but it's really just a guess at this point. The darker chick is the only one who enjoyed being held today - you can see that she was already falling asleep as I took the photo.

Overall, I'm pleased with the chicks - they seem very healthy and are growing and feathering out quickly. I just really wish I knew what the black one and the red ones are for sure! It will be fun trying to figure that out as they grow up, at least.
@AUChickenGal - The red ones are likely either Production Reds or Cinnamon Queens. Packing peanuts are almost always males....

@NavyChickens - Welcome to BYC and I'm glad you joined us in the ALABAMA!! thread. Tell us about you and your chickens.

ETA: Roll Tide!
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