Just dropping in on this conversation from North Alabama to say hello. We always had chickens when I was a little girl. Now I'm starting on my own flock. I have alot to learn!
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I'm in Laceys Spring, just across the river from Huntsville
nice to meet you
Welcome from my neck of the woods. You are spitting distance from me, near Hartselle.
This Avian influenza outbreak has me stressed out. This is the 1st time of year i like to start chicks. Then again in August. I afraid to buy any. In fact i am afraid to buy any other kind of animals pigs or goats. Am i stressing too much?
I understand. My biggest stressor is that I have an African Gray that I have had for almost 35 years. I don't want to risk him at all. He is inside, away from the chickens, and we wash hands after coming in from the barn. Add to that that my children both have a beloved chicken. I can't decide whether I should significantly reduce my flock (like will that make a difference) or just hold tight and buckle down for the duration. We live close to some commercial chicken houses and those are my biggest concerns right now.
Hey guys/gals, near Talladega AL here. Just saying hello. I still haven't quite figured out how to use this site yet. lol
Hi, I am in Talladega too. It nust takes some time to learn how to navigate. I'm still learning. Reading the files in the learning center helps with that too. Looking for a maran roo if you know of any.
When incubating smaller eggs in an automatic turner is it ok to use tissue to kind of help with the support and prevent a severe tilt or crack from the turner?

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