It's looking good, I think! The planning commission approved an amendment last week that would allow 4 chickens (no roosters) on lots larger than 10,000 sq feet, and 6 on lots larger than 20,000. I really wish people with smaller lots were not being left out, but I am thankful for this much progress. Now it's on to the city council for a vote!

As for getting together, I think that would be great. I would like for all the chicken-loving people in this area to be better connected with each other. The effort here is making progress, but I would like for it to be easier for people with chickens (and people who want them!) to get in touch with each other! There is a FB page, but there aren't many on it and it isn't very active. I know there are more people out there, because there has been a petition going around, and there was a group of chicken supporters promoting the zoning amendment at Auburn Cityfest. I just wish there were some sort of club or organization here that kept everyone connected!

Alabama ee wrote:
I saw this … ons=search

but it does not have your city

That page is actually refers to section 4-2 of the municipal code....and basically means that almost no one in the city limits is eligible to keep chickens. Fortunately, that may change before summer's end!​
Hi folks, been a while. I expect I'll be coming back your way but for now headed to TX to see the new grandson.


Still I miss the one in Alabama. Maybe come down in July.

Take care

I'm glad to hear it's moving forward! That's great.
That 10,000 requirement does limit it, but as you say at least it's a step in the right direction. I hope the city council votes it in!

There's a fb page for auburn chicken owners? I had no idea! what's it called?

I'd love to meet you and get to know you. We are somewhat new to chickens and LOVE to find other folks who like them! Are you going to SummerNight Friday night at Toomer's Corner? I'll have a booth there and would love to have you stop by and introduce yourself! I'll be in front of GAP. We could start the club. :)

It's looking good, I think! The planning commission approved an amendment last week that would allow 4 chickens (no roosters) on lots larger than 10,000 sq feet, and 6 on lots larger than 20,000. I really wish people with smaller lots were not being left out, but I am thankful for this much progress. Now it's on to the city council for a vote!

As for getting together, I think that would be great. I would like for all the chicken-loving people in this area to be better connected with each other. The effort here is making progress, but I would like for it to be easier for people with chickens (and people who want them!) to get in touch with each other! There is a FB page, but there aren't many on it and it isn't very active. I know there are more people out there, because there has been a petition going around, and there was a group of chicken supporters promoting the zoning amendment at Auburn Cityfest. I just wish there were some sort of club or organization here that kept everyone connected!

Alabama ee wrote:
I saw this … ons=search

but it does not have your city

That page is actually refers to section 4-2 of the municipal code....and basically means that almost no one in the city limits is eligible to keep chickens. Fortunately, that may change before summer's end!​
How about we start an Alabama egg swap.
It would be a great chance for us to share.
Right now the only eggs I have available are mixed breed. I have a standard Black Cochin Rooster and Old English Game Roosters with a flock of mixed English game, Dominikers, Americanas, 1 Cubulaya, and 1 golden phoenix hen. They are just running free range so could be a combo of any of those breeds. You would be welcome to a dozen eggs free of charge.
Also, my dad has over 50 guineas of all colors- white, buff, blue, lavender, purple, piebald, and pearl. I could get you a dozen mixed colored eggs from them.

It would be no problem to mail them to you
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That's an interesting idea, Rosto!

I'm not in need of any new ones right now, but would be happy to share with anyone. My chickens are free range as well, and I have barred rocks, mixed easter eggers, a few other types. I have one buff orpington hen who goes broody about 3x a year, and we put a few eggs under her. We don't even have an incubator, though!


Very interesting idea.
We haven't had much luck with shipped eggs lately, no luck in some cases.

Nobody pure laying yet, but Barred rocks and lav/split Orps hopefully within the next few months.

Is anyone on here NPIP?
I have been looking into a little bit and was just wondering what it cost in AL and exactly they do.
I have a bator full of mixed eggs now and guinea eggs ready to hatch in the next few days. Plus, Daddy had a guinea walk up with 17 babies this afternoon. So, they are prolific layers and excellent at setting. You should take the babies away or put her in a coop out of the weather or you will lose the babies to dew or rain. He let's them free range so could be a combo of any of the colors.

Very interesting idea.
We haven't had much luck with shipped eggs lately, no luck in some cases.

Nobody pure laying yet, but Barred rocks and lav/split Orps hopefully within the next few months.

Is anyone on here NPIP?
I have been looking into a little bit and was just wondering what it cost in AL and exactly they do.

I am NPIP and my NPIP guy is coming in the morning to check my birds again, I believe this will be my 5th year being a NPIP member.
It is free in AL. They will check you birds for Pullorum typhoid and may do test for AI(Avian Flu)
as far as regulations in Lee county go there are no restrictions outside city limits. So Beauregard is fine to house all you want. I do know that horses are limited by the amount of land...1 horse per 2 acres. Inside Opelika the limit is 4 hens and no roosters. The Beauregard chicken swap would be a great idea!

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