There are several in this area, but I don't know what area you are in. There is one in Clay County (Millerville) that is pretty nice, the one in Eclectic, one in Millbrook, and there used to be one in Clanton but I have never been and don't know if it is still going or not.
Hey cukoo, where and when is the one in millerville? I have an extra RIR that is part dinosaur that I need to get rid of. He's beautiful but the smaller one is actually a better rooster as far being personable and taking care of his lady. I also need some more hens, right now i have one hen and two roos. I'm committing a major poultry sin.
I've also heard of one on friday nights in New Site heading out of Clay County towards Horseshoe Bend, but haven't heard how often they hold it.
Hey cukoo, where and when is the one in millerville? I have an extra RIR that is part dinosaur that I need to get rid of. He's beautiful but the smaller one is actually a better rooster as far being personable and taking care of his lady. I also need some more hens, right now i have one hen and two roos. I'm committing a major poultry sin.

But ALL of my eggs are fertile !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Nankin chicks and brooder

My Brooder Box

The Brooder Lid

The babies. This pic was taken through the plastic wall, that's why it isn't very good

After 3 days at the mercy of the USPS they felt the need to pray to the great hot light. I got a good laugh at them all asleep at once. It hasn't happened again...

THEY"RE SO FLUFFYYYY! I love my fuzzy butts!

the spot has gone away on this one. SOme of them have lost their spots, others seem to be getting more prominent. They all had the spot on their heads on arrival. And no, the spot wasn't marked on; they are born with it.

It is on County Road 91 in Millerville. Richard Askew runs it. County Road 91 connects Hwy 9 and Hwy 63. We really enjoy it. It is on Fridays. You can get more info. from their ad in the Trader's Helper. The one thing you need to know is that you are required to let the purchaser of your birds have the cage you bring them in. Because of this, some people bring boxes, old crates or other cheap/homemade containers.

ETA Those are cute little babies, Griffinkid!
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Most of those are far from me. I am in St. Clair County. I am closer to Jefferson and Blount County. But I think I am at my limit with my 10 for now. I have to wait for them to grow up so I can determine the sexes and go from there. I am just now getting ready to move them from the temp coop/brooder to the big pen. I am clearing off some of my land that had some overgrowth, getting rid of canes with running root system (what a PIA) and preserving my beloved fig trees as well as getting my garden underway (a first for me). I can't say that I am being lazy now that I am at home.

Lookie at all them babie Griffinkid02. You are certain to be busy before long. They are adorable.

From the looks of it, most of you all are down in central or south Alabama. Do any of you have over things besides chickens? I am thinking of adding something new next year like dwarf dairy goats.

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