Good morning Alabamians. I don't visit this site enough. Just milling around the website today as I am anxiuosly awaiting a shipment of chicks. y 10 chickenflock was all but wiped out about 2 months ago when they were free ranging and the dogs decided after 6 months to attack them. I haveone single he left from the originals and have since aquired 3 bantams, 3 blue cochins, 1 black cochin, two light brahams and I was given a Buff oprington roo and hen. This is my first time ordering froma hatchery and I will compare the experience to what I have attain locally. I am n St. Clair County. Hope you all have a great day!

Ouch! Sorry to hear about your chickens. Good luck with the new ones. What breed of chickens did you order?
Well I got the who knows what I will end up with, but I also ordered 4 BO females and 4 SLW females. I hope they will be good layers. The others are for fun and to just see what mix I end up getting. I like to have some for eggs and some for looking pretty. They did not come today so it will be tomorrow or Saturday. Thinking about incubating too and looking at incubators.
Lucky you! I want some wyanndottes (spelling?). Thinking of silver laced and gold laced and maybe some blue laced reds. The only thing with blue laced reds is that some come out beautiful and some come out all wonky!
How many chickens do you have? Do you have them for yourself or do you sell eggs? What kind do you have?
I have nine hens hopefully. I keep them for myself. I haven't had eggs yet, but I will share them with family and friends. I have 2 EEs, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Blue Andalusian which are all four weeks old. I also have 1 Barred Rock, 1 White Rock, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Black Australorp, and 1 Buff Orpinton which are all 13 weeks old.
You should post pictures! I will post some when my little fuzzy butts arrive. I am getting an incubator today. Yay! I will probably get some eggs from my uncles and cousins and just hatch out a mix. I've also got a sick roo this morning. When I went out he sounded like he had a cold and when he crowed, it just wasn't right. I seperated him out immediately and we will see what happens.
You should post pictures! I will post some when my little fuzzy butts arrive. I am getting an incubator today. Yay! I will probably get some eggs from my uncles and cousins and just hatch out a mix. I've also got a sick roo this morning. When I went out he sounded like he had a cold and when he crowed, it just wasn't right. I seperated him out immediately and we will see what happens.
Tylan 50 injected under the skin will knock that right out before it gets worse :)

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