"There are only two things you need in life: duct tape and WD-40. If it moves and it shouldn't, use the duct tape.
If it don't move and it should, use the WD-40!
hi friend! where in warrior are you? i just called city hall and found out that i am not 'agriculturally zoned'. i am just off main street and happen to know that there is a house two blocks south of here that does have chicken ( a rooster too!) i am a little furious, to be honest. we have hundreds of feral cats and unleashed dogs everywhere but i am not allowed to have fresh eggs for my family!!???? gotta figure out what to do next. guess we will have to get it in front of city council and see what we can do. how far from town center are you?
Hi, Warriormom! Welcome to BYC and to the Alabama! thread.

Please think and plan carefully before you do anything at all. I am sure it is not your intention to cause the person with chickens any problems, but if you point out that they have chickens, the city will simply make them get rid of theirs and then neither of you will have chickens.

If you decide to fight city hall, do it systematically and use reason and logic rather than passion and emotion. Do your research, see if the best plan of action is to seek a variance or to change the ordinance. Look at the BYC thread that addresses getting the laws changed and go to the meeting prepared and educated. I can assure you that you will have to appear many more times before you are taken seriously and your idea is taken into consideration (the proverbial squeaky wheel) so don't be surprised or upset when you are dismissed the first time, expect it. There is plenty of information on this site that you need to be familiar with in order to answer council's question in a knowledgeable manner. They are likely to ask about husbandry (routine care and maintenance) and waste disposal, noise, diseases, etc. and you need to show them that you have all the bases covered. Anticipate the objections and be prepared to counter them. Understand that there will be people who fight you because they know nothing about chickens and think they are "nasty, disgusting, disease carrying nuisances." I have thought of doing this many times to get the ordinances changed in Tuscaloosa, Where chickens are not allowed unless they are more than 300 feet from any other home or if they are kept indoors. I think that is too restrictive and I am aware that there are people in violation of the ordinance. They get away with it because no one knows or cares to complain, and the code enforcement officers don't go looking for violators. I have not done so because I do not live in the city limits, but I would support someone who was trying to get it changed.

Be smart about it and maybe you can be the one to change things for the better. Good Luck and keep us posted!
Welcome and good luck! I think we are fortunate to be in Alabama, everyone got a little country in 'em, you'll get it done.

But then again, politicians try so hard for us to be LESS country..
Does anyone have any hatching eggs for sale? I just want a small grab bag.... 6-8 eggs with each from a different variety of chicken if possible.
Maybe check with your local feed stores; often they have bulletin boards, or they may know someone who knows someone with chickens -

Also check if there's a local 'chicken club' in your area; maybe 4H-ers?
I don't have 6-8 different pure breeding groups. I do have hatching eggs for sale. I have ameraucana, mottled bantum cochin. I also have different types of hens all crossed by my pure am. rooster which would result in EE. When they decide to lay I will also have BCM and F2 Olive eggers.
I have a BCM cockerel, 10 months old, that I was hoping to breed olive-eggers using my 2 Ameracauna pullets (also 10 months) - did great 1st batch, all 6 eggs fertile, since then only 2 of about 24 eggs have hatched!! I have my fingers crossed, 2 of my juvies are solid white and gorgeous - and no crowing yet . . .
I am dieing to see what we can get at TSC this year. I've seen some post with folks having a rainbow of chickies.. Last year I went only once, but what they had was a bin of blah (Easter eggers, but all the exact same color. And ducklings)

I'm like counting down days here. Someone said that in MS it starts next week. Seems early. TSC told me it doesn't start til next month.
I live in Chelsea, Al. I have 3 Chocolate Orpingtons forsale. 2 roosters and 1 hen. Hen lays. 1 roo is a very dark chocolate. The other 2 are chocolate. The dark chocolate almost looks black but is suppose to be very good for the genes. Make me an offer.
I also have some Isbars that I'm willing to sell cheap.
PM me.
Thank y'all

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