lol, we are going to go the not-so-stealth way and get the ordinance changed! i have a good friend on the city council and she is pro-chicken. the ordinance re-write is underway. i will keep you guys posted as to how things go from here. i am new on this site so i am spending lots of time checking out all the resources. what a great site! so happy to have found it and all you guys!!
HI to all! We are new to this. We are about to purchase our first chickens. Are there any that are no-nos to the Alabama area. Our primary purchase is for laying eggs and family enjoyment/pets. We are thinking of purchasing 3 chickens and would like to get the best for our needs.

lol, we are going to go the not-so-stealth way and get the ordinance changed! i have a good friend on the city council and she is pro-chicken. the ordinance re-write is underway. i will keep you guys posted as to how things go from here. i am new on this site so i am spending lots of time checking out all the resources. what a great site! so happy to have found it and all you guys!!
Great! Keep us posted.
HI to all! We are new to this. We are about to purchase our first chickens. Are there any that are no-nos to the Alabama area. Our primary purchase is for laying eggs and family enjoyment/pets. We are thinking of purchasing 3 chickens and would like to get the best for our needs.

Peoneal. There are no breeds that are strictly off limits although some heavier breeds have a harder time in our heat. If you ask everybody's favorite breed you will get a thousand different answers. Keep in mind bantums will eat less and take up less room but you will get smaller eggs. I personally like a variety.
Awesome, Warriormom!

Welcome PEONEAL.

From what I've learned, larger chickens and chickens that have feathered legs have a harder time with heat... But I have seen folks further down South with Silkies, which supposedly don't do well in heat

I'm just gonna get a variety. I want some different colors in both birds and eggs.

We're going to start with 6 chickens.. we eat 4 eggs a day, some days more, if the baby is having one or if I bake something. Poor things... they're gonna have to work for their scratch.
HI to all! We are new to this. We are about to purchase our first chickens. Are there any that are no-nos to the Alabama area. Our primary purchase is for laying eggs and family enjoyment/pets. We are thinking of purchasing 3 chickens and would like to get the best for our needs.

I am a huge fan of the "mut" golden star/comet. I spent my afternoon layin in the yard, reading in the warm sun (by the way, today was amazing right?!?) and fighting off our Chickie Darlings! My girls are spoiled and like to chillax on my blanket in the yard! Even my 3-yr-old niece can go out in the yard and snatch up a chicken without help. They are great layers(large brown eggs), but they do "lay out" early, so expect to replace them every 3 years or so. They are very good free-rangers AND are fairly easy on the feed. But I admit, my girls get a well rounded and supplemented diet, so that helps with feed cost too.

But honestly, ask 100 people what their favorite breed is and you will get AT LEAST 75 different answers!

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