On of my new spring chicks is showing signs of cross beak.:th I am SO conflicted.  The marsh mellow in me says just to keep it and try to  give it some sort of life.  The practical side of me says it's quality of life will be deminished, so it should be put down.  The cheating wimp in me is probably taking it back to the feed store where they will exchange it and probably just put it down themselves.:hit

We have a crossbeak on the semi-severe side (One of our early hatchery birds). Figi lays eggs, holds her ground and is all around a happy bird.
We would have put her down too, but she proved she could get along with her disability just fine (I am also famous for being a marshmallow). She has to eat from a bowl and we do keep a bit of an eye on her beak now and again, but those are the only differences between her and her friends. She's also going on 4 years now!

Whichever you choose to do is up entirely to you.
We have a pet flock and a breeder flock, so keeping her with our little pets wasn't a problem.
Does anyone on here raise goats and disbud, or know anyone who does?
I have never disbudded and I have kids on their way. I would really love to find someone to do it/show me how.
If you dont come up with anyone, there is always youtube.
Hi everyone! I'm in Marshall Co. I'm looking for folks with silkie hatching eggs and serama hatching eggs within driving distance of me. I've got some shipped serama eggs cooking in the incubator right now, but they don't look too good. I really want to hatch some of these guys, but I don't want to have detached air cells to deal with anymore. Soooo, who's out there?

Hi everyone! I'm in Marshall Co. I'm looking for folks with silkie hatching eggs and serama hatching eggs within driving distance of me. I've got some shipped serama eggs cooking in the incubator right now, but they don't look too good. I really want to hatch some of these guys, but I don't want to have detached air cells to deal with anymore. Soooo, who's out there?

from beautiful DeKalb county! I recently got some silkie hatching eggs from Hennyhandler who is in Cullman area. I can't think of anyone that has Serama.... surely someone closeby has them!

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