Do you happen to have his contact info? I am SEARCHING for some laying hens. I only have 1!

Anyone else know odd anyone who may have any breed of good laying hens. I need some eggs! When you have three teens, you wipe out a dozen every time you cook bfast! I live in Talladega county but would drive up to an hour.
Welcome! Sounds like you need at least 6 Rhode Island Reds! Brown Eggs, hens rarely go broody. Lay around upwards of 300 eggs per year for mature hens. Dual purpose, good for meat too. Worth the cost to start with pullets. There are some good white egg layers too.
Originally Posted by chirpingcricket

Hey Chicka, If any way possible, you head this way, I'll be glad to meet you on the coast lady. If any one of our girls meet your fancy, I'll donate one on behalf of EE lovers!

As a nurse and keeper of my original flock for 2 1/2 years +, they will be healthy or they won't leave. This is a first with me for Cocci. From what I've been told around here at feed stores, etc. A lot of folks are dealing with this due to the weather.
From what I've learned re: hatching, make the Easter hatch your biggee. . .by Mother's Day, at least along the coast, the weather rules! Take care!

I appreciate your offer chirpingcricket! Thank you!

Good grief with the cocci! I am so sorry you are having to deal with that!
I know I am talking about EE's alot but I am planning on my turkey's making me my extra money here. I had 10 to start off with but have lost a few. But I am still hoping that my Narri's and Slate Blues and Blacks will make it worth my while.

I am raising a few BA for eggs and meat, and a few JG for meat. and I will have some EE's for eggs.

If I get down that way I will holler at you! I do appreciate your offer very much!

My DH and I got the rest of our stuff delivered Mon to finish our coop! If if does not rain this weekend we are going to get the roof on and start putting in posts. We have 200' of wire for our runs! So hopefully we can get alot done! We are going to try to get as many of our 30 fence post's in as we can. We are using quick crete on each post to keep critters out and framing the bottom of the wire to the ground in every pen to keep everything out!

I do not understand how so many ppl can just add another chicken coop in a few days and keep adding more birds like crazy! I will not be one of them! lol When our coop is done that is it! And I don't even want enough chickens to fill it up. I do however want enough turkeys to see them running all over out there! I do love me some turkeys!
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Yep. That's exactly what I need. The one that I have is a RIR. I got her the Saturday before Easter and she has laid EVERY day since. My 11 year old son had adopted the job of getting the egg every day. Last weekend, he went out to the next box after school and no egg. He was devastated. I explained that chickens don't lay every day, they need a break too. Well, next day, same thing, no egg. I got suspicious later that night and said, "Come on Luke, lets go get a flashlight and investigate." We did. I had just put a new layer of hay on the floor of their coop they only go in at night. Well, she just decided she liked that privacy better. She had made her next in there in the corner. There sat two eggs. It is a large coop and I only have her and one roo, so there was plenty of clean space. Luke was tickled to death! He has told everyone we have seen about it! Love watching my kids enjoy nature.
Hi, fellow Alabamians. We're back from vacation--Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio, and home. 2000 miles in 5 1/2 days. I thought vacations were supposed to be slow and relaxed but I'm pooped.
Anyway, all 29 chicks survived, thanks to a neighbor that looked in on them from time to time.

Texas was great but it's a different world out there. Every other pickup truck you see is a King's Ranch Ford F-150 or a Chevy Silverado with a Texas option package. The Dodge Ram/Laramie is popular, too. The Fort Worth Stockyards are good for shopping and eating steaks. The JFK museum on the 6th floor of the old Texas School Book Depository building in Dallas is definitely worth the time. For those of us who are old enough to remember JFK's assassination it's a real trip back in time and a moving experience for anyone.

The San Antonio River Walk is a great area to visit, as is the Alamo. It's hard to see the Alamo now in downtown San Antonio and imagine what it was like as a Spanish mission sitting all by itself as Santa Anna's forces descended on it 180 (+/-) years ago.

I hope I didn't miss anything major around here. It's good to go but it's great to get back home. I'll check back in later. Gotta go cut the grass.
I have 8 Silkies to give away ( yes they are FREE ) 5 white 4 blue , you pickup at my house is Jasper. They are 3weeks old. I do not know their sex.
Now do not text or reply to this you can call me at 205-412-0695 my name is Danny once I have given them away I will post that.
Quote: As far as I've found out feed is the most expensive thing. We went to get feed for them this morning (they're out of it till Friday) and a bag (no idea on size) is $19.50.
Good thing dad really wants them.
Quote: It was the 5 hens. I still don't understand why they started doing it. I put the chick under a heat lamp to dry off and get warm. It's doing really well today. It's up moving around on it's own now.
Hi, fellow Alabamians. We're back from vacation--Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio, and home. 2000 miles in 5 1/2 days. I thought vacations were supposed to be slow and relaxed but I'm pooped.
Anyway, all 29 chicks survived, thanks to a neighbor that looked in on them from time to time.

Texas was great but it's a different world out there. Every other pickup truck you see is a King's Ranch Ford F-150 or a Chevy Silverado with a Texas option package. The Dodge Ram/Laramie is popular, too. The Fort Worth Stockyards are good for shopping and eating steaks. The JFK museum on the 6th floor of the old Texas School Book Depository building in Dallas is definitely worth the time. For those of us who are old enough to remember JFK's assassination it's a real trip back in time and a moving experience for anyone.

The San Antonio River Walk is a great area to visit, as is the Alamo. It's hard to see the Alamo now in downtown San Antonio and imagine what it was like as a Spanish mission sitting all by itself as Santa Anna's forces descended on it 180 (+/-) years ago.

I hope I didn't miss anything major around here. It's good to go but it's great to get back home. I'll check back in later. Gotta go cut the grass.
Sounds like you had fun.
Glad to hear your chicks are doing well!

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