I.worked at skyline vet with Dr Gaston ob govt for like 5 years. He's the best! Small world!
On a happier note, I have chicks hatching!! My first time incubating and I have five out and hopping around. Their hatch date was tomorrow. Nice surprise when I got home. Gotta loce god's work. My twin 11 year olds were glued to the bator all evening. Had to MAKE them go shower. I hate my 13 yr old is not home to see it. He is in Louisville Kentucky shooting In the National Archery competition. Maybe one or two will hold off till tomorrow night to hatch. I don't know cause they are popping out pretty quick right now.

Yeah! Congrats on you new additions.
[COLOR=800000]I don't know if any Canadians frequent our thread, but they'd be welcome!  As are you!  We have a few northerners with southern roots that stop here from time to time.  Care for some cornbread and sweet tea?[/COLOR]
Thank you wisher i would love some cornbread. I will trade you for some moose meat. Lol how is the weather down in Alabama? Our lakes still have ice on them.

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