I am not sure what kind of eggs or chicks you looking for ? We should have some good Rhode Island Red eggs by early Sept White Leggings should start laying middle to late Sept . We want be selling any eggs for hatching until after they have been laying for about month ... for what i understand yoyng chicken's eggs are no good for hatching or setting until they have been laying for three weeks.
As a matter of fact, I DO have a question. How in the world do i find the most recent posts from members in Al who have eggs/chicks for sale??
The only thing I can suggest is to hang around this thread. Birds and eggs come up for sale on here from time to time. You could also check the Buy, Sell, Trade section of the site, but as far as I know they don't all have their location listed.
I am not sure what kind of eggs or chicks you looking for ? We should have some good Rhode Island Red eggs by early Sept White Leggings should start laying middle to late Sept . We want be selling any eggs for hatching until after they have been laying for about month ... for what i understand yoyng chicken's eggs are no good for hatching or setting until they have been laying for three weeks.
Personally, I think that's just a myth spurred mostly by the spottiness of fertility. I've hatched plenty of pullet eggs in the past with good results and strong chicks.
They've been trying to wake my momma up and she's not waking up... no reflexes or anything.

Kidneys aren't doing well. Blood pressure is low... Doc says it's not looking good.


And that stupid rooster is still crowing.

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