Hatching has come to an end. All the other eggs are dead. I opened the eggs to make sure

I got two sweet fuzzies and I am very happy with them, but I am sad about the ones I lost... they were SO close to hatching.

This is the egg I had been hearing.. the air pocket was WAY too small for the little one (small egg). It had an internal pip and died. No way for the little one to get out of that egg. I wish I had been able to help, but it was only day 20 yesterday, I didn't expect them to need help so soon.. and you can't see what's going on inside. Peeping means live chick and you leave live chicks be.

This is the egg that pipped upside down. It died before the other egg, the membranes were much darker.

This one died probably some days ago. When candled it had clear specks all over the egg. Membranes were dark and the chick looks like it's not all the way developed.

The last egg wasn't developed at all, and may have caused the above egg to get contaminated. I don't know. Mom chicken wasn't very clean about things either (she put poopy feet on her eggs).

So 5 out of 6 developed, 2 hatched (I think 1 boy, 1 girl). 2 would have hatched if I were in the right place at the right time.. but, they say don't mess with them. Can't help but feeling upset about losing those two though..

Thank you to T.Moore for the eggs and helpful advice.

I hope to hatch some more some day.
I'm sorry about the ones that didn't make it. :(
congrats on the 2 that did. They are cute!!!
Hi everyone! I have so many pages to catch up. Been extremely busy lately. But I thought I'd post this while I get caught up. I still have my black austrolorp rooster and now it's putting me in a tough situation. I have 6 girls that need to be moved into my pin ASAP but I can't due to that rooster. I put two of my bigger girls in there this morning for a few minutes as I watched and he was not happy. He is triple the size of my little bantam and I need him to be gone. I've been posting him on Craigslist for 3 weeks had 2 seperate people tell me to hold him until they could get him and then never respond to my calls or messages :mad:
Soo I have come on here to see if anyone would be interested? He is 15 weeks old and very pretty. He doesn't love to be held but he isn't mean or anything.

Have you tried calling Rose McCurdy to see if she wants him?
Hey everyone! I had an interesting morning. I finally got to go down to the dock this morning and take in the view. Didn't get out there early enough to see the dolphins, but I did pick up a pretty shell.
Watched the crabs for a bit, watched something disappear down a hole (couldn't see what it was), and came back up to the apartment. There was a hermit crab in my shell, so I took it back down to the dock and let it go. Then I saw a shark swimming around under the dock (Halifax is a saltwater river) and that kinda freaked me out. Saw something go down the hole again, so I walked over to see if I could see anything.... I saw long spider looking legs so I freaked out and ran back up to the apartment. I found out through the net that it was just a land crab by looking for the two colors I saw. I feel like an idiot now.
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Hey everyone! I had an interesting morning. I finally got to go down to the dock this morning and take in the view. Didn't get out there early enough to see the dolphins, but I did pick up a pretty shell. :lol:   Watched the crabs for a bit, watched something disappear down a hole (couldn't see what it was), and came back up to the apartment. There was a hermit crab in my shell, so I took it back down to the dock and let it go. Then I saw a shark swimming around under the dock (Halifax is a saltwater river) and that kinda freaked me out. Saw something go down the hole again, so I walked over to see if I could see anything.... I saw long spider looking legs so I freaked out and ran back up to the apartment. I found out through the net that it was just a land crab by looking for the two colors I saw. I feel like an idiot now. :lau
heehee, aka sand crabs around here. Glad you are taking time to enjoy the warm coastal breezes and views. Chirp
Update on my hawk attacked chicken.

We went from:


She's positively filthy because she's been rolling in the raised garden bed with her friends.... and the Neosporin acts like glue. I can't wash it off.. I've tried

I soaked her in some Epsom salts tonight, because she was dirty and had a big black scab coming off. I still rinse her chest cavity out every few days, as I don't want debris to end up stuck inside of her once that hole closes up for good. As you can see, nice healthy tissue underneath. Lots of new feathers coming in as well. She's finally running along with the flock again (she was kind of hanging out by herself lately). I just let her run with the flock. She was wasting away being inside by herself.

Chickens are amazing.

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