I would give them away before going to Lacon. I took ten chicks to Lacon and ask several of the chicken dealers for advise as to what breed and sex they were (I ordered them as a special mixed batch of brown egg layers from McMurray Hatcheries). Now I know after the fact they were Red Star pullets. They (2 different vendors) told me they were young roosters and not worth much. Me being inexperienced took their word and sold them to one of them at a ridiculously low price just to cut my losses since I had raised them for 4-1/2 months already. Well they immediately took them to another vendor and sold them to him as hens. So long story short they took advantage of me not knowing sex and bought my hens which I would have NEVER sold if I had known truth. Good luck
I would give them away before going to Lacon. I took ten chicks to Lacon and ask several of the chicken dealers for advise as to what breed and sex they were (I ordered them as a special mixed batch of brown egg layers from McMurray Hatcheries). Now I know after the fact they were Red Star pullets. They (2 different vendors) told me they were young roosters and not worth much. Me being inexperienced took their word and sold them to one of them at a ridiculously low price just to cut my losses since I had raised them for 4-1/2 months already. Well they immediately took them to another vendor and sold them to him as hens. So long story short they took advantage of me not knowing sex and bought my hens which I would have NEVER sold if I had known truth. Good luck
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I'm sorry I was referring to reacottingham. She stated she had too many roosters and was thinking about going to Lacon. I was referring to my experience there. The poultry dealers (loosely stated) are not very honest to say the least and they all are out to take advantage of you for a dollar. My experience only.
Hey, I'm in a pickle I have 3 roosters and they try to out do each other crowing all day. I'm sure my neighbors are sick of it. 2 of the roosters need to go! I don't think I have it in me to cull them. Has anyone had success selling a rooster? Did you use craigslist, or did you use something else? I live in north Alabama and I thought about going to Trade Day in Lacon, but I didn't think that was a good idea for just 2 roosters.

Hello I am from Cullman, Al. and did not have a good experience at Lacon. However you may come out fine. Read below for my details. Good Luck

Hello I am from Cullman, Al. and did not have a good experience at Lacon. However you may come out fine. Read below for my details. Good Luck

Thanks, I'm new to chickens so I want advice. I haven't heard much good about Lacon, so I believe you. At this point I am about ready to give at least one away, it would just be nice to get what I paid for them back. Thanks again!
Congrats Tomtommom, just saw where you won the chicken picture of the week!!!

Thanks, we're thrilled!

Hey Tomtommom,
I like your concrete block compost bin. ? And congrats on picture of the week.
I been thinking about a better compost bin. Was planning on making some raised beds with the many blocks I have around here but
it never crossed my mind to make a compost bin with the blocks until I saw yours. My thoughts====why didn't I think of that?

Right now I have my chicken litter mixed with mulched straw in an old truck bed liner and the sides are flimsy so I have one side propted up
against a fence post. When I let the chickens out to run, they go straight to the compost pile. I even have barrels and trash cans in the barn full
of chicken and rabbit litter and one of the chickens decided that was a great place to lay her eggs.
Anyway......composting on the brain.

I just put leaves and sticks in it, mostly sticks.. stuff that takes AGES to compost. They enjoy sitting on it and scratching all the leaves out. I rake them back in once every two weeks or so, and they spend two weeks emptying it. It's a good system *laugh* I have two bins made from the 2x3 welded wire that I keep outside their area for leaves and fruit/veggie scraps I know they wont eat (banana peels, pineapple peels etc.) I actually got a bunch of the cinderblocks from a neighbor.. I put soil in them to keep them in place, as well as sticks as rebar. I hope to plant something in it eventually... something they wont eat *laugh*

I also use leaves as my bedding in the coop in the fall. They scratch them up in little bits, making them easier to compost. I just put a couple handfuls over the mess under their roost in the morning, to cover up. Empty out every week/two weeks. No smells.. but I only have 9 ofcourse.

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