I got the camera out today. Figured I'd have a little update on my girls. Hawk attack girl, Jadzia: A small gap in her chest feathers remains. I think she's almost healed. Dealt with internal infection the past two weeks (pulled this horrific stinky membrane out of her chest). Some of the feathers aren't growing in well and we have to pull the little stubs out occasionally. I'm amazed by her progress, really. I don't think she's laying yet, probably wont until she's fully recovered. The babies I hatched: The past week I've been letting them out with the adult birds about an hour a day. First day, the girls tried to eat them :lol: (or well, that's what the little girly thought, she screamed bloody murder) Now, they're a little more at ease and very curious. The little boy will stand up and protect his lady... The new fence: Love the pics tom very cute babies. And your hawk attack girl looks good. The ladies have been a little angry with me, and for about a week I was getting 3 eggs a day out of protest (instead of 5-7 eggs). They were very much enjoyed free ranging for as long as it lasted.. but they were never intended to take over my whole yard! So, 4 foot fence became a 6 foot fence and they're once again limited to their own section. Sorry girls. They miss access to all the yummy grass and weeds (they've destroyed what was little left in their area), but this contraption seems to entertain. So there you have it. :lol: Almost done... fiance needs to hook up the rainbarrel system for me.
Jadzia (hawh attack chickie) has been laying an egg a day again
Chickens are so resilient! Got one partridge rock molting like crazy, might explain why she had been moody.
Thats great Tomtom. She looks really good.

I have one black Aussie that went broody the day my chickens got attacked by my dogs and the dogs killed over half my birds. DH said she will not get off the nest, but she did switch nests after two weeks of sitting on the eggs? I think she is still scared and in shock I just don't know. I still have abt. 20 chickens and I think I have 5 turkey.
Hey, I'm in a pickle I have 3 roosters and they try to out do each other crowing all day. I'm sure my neighbors are sick of it. 2 of the roosters need to go! I don't think I have it in me to cull them. Has anyone had success selling a rooster? Did you use craigslist, or did you use something else? I live in north Alabama and I thought about going to Trade Day in Lacon, but I didn't think that was a good idea for just 2 roosters.
Hey Tomtommom,
I like your concrete block compost bin. ? And congrats on picture of the week.
I been thinking about a better compost bin. Was planning on making some raised beds with the many blocks I have around here but
it never crossed my mind to make a compost bin with the blocks until I saw yours. My thoughts====why didn't I think of that?

Right now I have my chicken litter mixed with mulched straw in an old truck bed liner and the sides are flimsy so I have one side propted up
against a fence post. When I let the chickens out to run, they go straight to the compost pile. I even have barrels and trash cans in the barn full
of chicken and rabbit litter and one of the chickens decided that was a great place to lay her eggs.
Anyway......composting on the brain.
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I started processing my bbq specials from mcmurray when they were about 10wks old. I had 75. I would process 7 to 9 of them in the evening. It was time consuming. When I got down to only 15 left several weeks later, I took a a break and didn't finish until those last ones were 19 wks old.
This is the last picture I took of the BBQ specials on the day I finished processing. 11/08/13 Some of them wouldn't fit in a 5 gallon bucket.


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