Guess what guys! One of my friend is trying to do an Easter photo shoot for some promotional stuff. She asked I can borrow my chicks for the photo shoot. Guess my chicks are going to have their 15minutes of fame.
The chicks have been part of the main flock since Wednesday now.. I do close their area at night because they're dummies and decided that going for a bite to eat at midnight is a great idea and then they can't figure out how to get back to the others
the heat lamp has them a little messed up, they're too big for the heat plate. Now that they're doing better, it's time for them to deal without the lamp again. They're all fully feathered.

My hens actually run away now, when they chicks get let out first thing in the morning... it's like a voracious stampede of chicks, straight to the feeder and waterer. It's really quite funny.. rambunctious little things. We're starting to get mini cock fights, chest bumping and much grandiosity.

Fun times. Just glad this nice weather is here... it makes everything so much better!
So, yesterday I came home after an unsuccessful day of fishing. I go into the coop to gather the eggs. I find Gracie has laid another egg but in the chickens nest box! Now, my question is, how'd she manage to squeeze her big body into that little bitty nest and lay an egg?
So, yesterday I came home after an unsuccessful day of fishing. I go into the coop to gather the eggs. I find Gracie has laid another egg but in the chickens nest box! Now, my question is, how'd she manage to squeeze her big body into that little bitty nest and lay an egg?

I guess you have a contortionist. LOL!

The chicks have been part of the main flock since Wednesday now.. I do close their area at night because they're dummies and decided that going for a bite to eat at midnight is a great idea and then they can't figure out how to get back to the others
the heat lamp has them a little messed up, they're too big for the heat plate. Now that they're doing better, it's time for them to deal without the lamp again. They're all fully feathered.

My hens actually run away now, when they chicks get let out first thing in the morning... it's like a voracious stampede of chicks, straight to the feeder and waterer. It's really quite funny.. rambunctious little things. We're starting to get mini cock fights, chest bumping and much grandiosity.

Fun times. Just glad this nice weather is here... it makes everything so much better!
Glad to hear your chickens are doing well and they are doing well with the new comers.
I swear to God I have heard it all now.... I was doing my monthly "let's see if there's any chickens on Petfinder" search......

I found some cuties, much too far away ofcourse, but I was reading their story anyway.. here's part of it:

Our hens have received contraceptive implants to shut down their ovaries to protect them from premature death from ovarian cancer and other reproductive complications, and to protect them from being used for eggs. By the age of 2 years, hens begin to develop reproductive problems and cancers from incessant egg-laying, which is completely unnatural, and it ultimately kills them. All domesticated hens have been manufactured for this trait by genetic modification and selective breeding. It is a horrible death. For more information on this subject, please read:
Backyard or Battery: The Real Cost of Eggs COST OF EGGS 3pg.pdf

....SERIOUSLY? For me rescueing broiler chickens is a bit of a stretch already, trying to rehome sub-par roosters with an adoption fee is downright silly.... but chemically spaying chicken so they can't lay eggs... REALLY?

They're really cute girls though: But those folks are batshit crazy....
Wow, Tomtommom, that is REALLY crazy. By that way of thinking, all women should have their ovaries removed before they reach sexual maturity so we don't get ovarian cancer! Lol! I'm really glad to hear your flock was getting better, I felt so bad for you!

Ok so my sweet babies from Wisher aren't so baby like anymore! They turned four weeks old yesterday and I still can't believe how big they are! Since it's warmer, I'm going to move them to the covered, screened in porch this evening. I made a collage of them from two days old till this morning, wanna see?I knew you would!

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Wow, Tomtommom, that is REALLY crazy. By that way of thinking, all women should have their ovaries removed before they reach sexual maturity so we don't get ovarian cancer! Lol! I'm really glad to hear your flock was getting better, I felt so bad for you!

Ok so my sweet babies from Wisher aren't so baby like anymore! They turned four weeks old yesterday and I still can't believe how big they are! Since it's warmer, I'm going to move them to the covered, screened in porch this evening. I made a collage of them from two days old till this morning, wanna see?I knew you would!

They are very cute!!

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