That's one thing I learned quickly around these parts. For a lot of people that have been in Alabama for a few generations, dogs are extremely replaceable. My ex father-in-law didn't think nothing of taking a dog (or cat) out back and 'put them down' with a bullet, rather than taking them to the vet. Most of the time, if we thought it was something that could be fixed, we'd take them to the vet before he had his way.

My ex-husband had a rottweiler that escaped dear ol' dad's gun many a time, by the grace of pleading, distraction and hiding evidence *laugh*. Lived to be 13 years (and went through many a wall and door.. she was deadly afraid of storms).

My step-son's family... They go through dogs like they're tissues. A new one every few months. His momma has bought this boy in the past 3 years ATLEAST 6 dogs, a guinea pig, two gecko's, a frog, a rooster and a rabbit.. They have 1 gecko left and one dog..

Alabama, the land of disposable morals, plates and dogs. (Now, this is just my experience with a certain part of the population!)

I hope they won't get on your land again, Jdy. I can't think of much that you can do to prevent it, except for cooping 'em up and building a run, but you shouldn't have to do that.
Thanks tomtomom. Most of the folks here are from a few different families. I'm assuming that nobody wanted to be a bad neighbor but since we will not be living here forever, I'll take the brunt. I have heard that the owners of the dogs have lost several of their dogs to being shot by others. So, I guess its nothing new to them.

Dan2, I really appreciate the offer. With the losses of those 2, I'm down to 2 roos and 14 hens but I only have 2 BOs left (lost 1 to a hawk) and the rest of my breeds aren't known for going broody. I do have one BO setting on 12 eggs right now. So, I have some babies coming but most of my hens are JG and they aren't supposed to make good broodies.

Put some food out with ex-lax in it and send the dogs home.

heeheehee -- just joking.
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That's one thing I learned quickly around these parts. For a lot of people that have been in Alabama for a few generations, dogs are extremely replaceable. My ex father-in-law didn't think nothing of taking a dog (or cat) out back and 'put them down' with a bullet, rather than taking them to the vet. Most of the time, if we thought it was something that could be fixed, we'd take them to the vet before he had his way.

My ex-husband had a rottweiler that escaped dear ol' dad's gun many a time, by the grace of pleading, distraction and hiding evidence *laugh*. Lived to be 13 years (and went through many a wall and door.. she was deadly afraid of storms).

My step-son's family... They go through dogs like they're tissues. A new one every few months. His momma has bought this boy in the past 3 years ATLEAST 6 dogs, a guinea pig, two gecko's, a frog, a rooster and a rabbit.. They have 1 gecko left and one dog..

Alabama, the land of disposable morals, plates and dogs. (Now, this is just my experience with a certain part of the population!)

I hope they won't get on your land again, Jdy. I can't think of much that you can do to prevent it, except for cooping 'em up and building a run, but you shouldn't have to do that.
Tomtom, I am sorry that this is your idea of typical Alabamians. Most of us are kind hearted to animals as well as humans. While we do realize that an animal is just that, and not a human to be protected with the rights that should be reserved to humankind. We try to treat all God's creatures with the respect they deserve.

As to disposable morals, I find that there are areas of the country that have no morals one way or the other. Mine are neither disposable nor debatable. Perhaps you should get out of Montevallo more often.
Well said, Hunt. I don't think Tom meant any offense, she has had limited exposure to Alabamians and will learn our true nature the longer she stays. I agree, though. Montevallo may be too small and rural to use as an accurate sampling of the gentle people of the state.
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Unfortunately, I have an issue with free range dogs in my area as well. But you will find this in any state you live in.

We fenced the section of the yard round the whole coop area and we are working on enclosing our whole property.
I do my fare share for fencing, I give one warning for people with the dogs my next visit is bringing them their dog and loaning them my shovel. I don't play around down here, that's money and that gets sparse now a days, $.35 is a cheap price to pay to keep my livestock. Sorry if I offend, but I have a cold veiw most of the time
Amen, Huntinwidow, plenty of immoral people all around this country. Also, I don't think killing a chicken killing dog is wrong. If it's mine, the dog gets penned, if it's a neighbor's, they get one warning. Usually you can't catch those loose chickenkillers because they KNOW they're doing wrong. I love all animals, but an animal that kills domestic livestock is not to be tolerated.
Most of the people that we've met have been very gracious. We've only been here since June and there do seem to be some folks that are a bit standoffish but I think it is more of a cocnern of how we may think of things or do things. Our local feed store's elderly owner frequently askes me if I had my passport when we moved here. LOL I think in our "neighborhood" (I don't know how else to describe it) nobody has wanted to cause bad blood with any of the other families. All of the streets around us are named after the families that first bought the land and whose relatives still live here. The most stupid thing is that apparently this owner doesn't even own any type of livestock. No chickens, cows, horses etc. So why they need to have LGDs I don't know.

I would have no problem shooting these dogs. I got alot of SSS but I am not digging 2 Grt Pyr size holes in clay soil. So, I'd either shoot and take them to their owner or stick them far out in the pasture for the vultures. But the dogs run when I approach, even if I'm just walking towards them. I am assuming they have been run off so many times that it is instinct to them. I discussed every possibility with the deputy yesterday and I can only shoot them on our property.

We have had one other dog show up here, twice. This was before we became gun owners and I ran it off with a bat. I asked around and nobody knows whose dog that was but it hasn't been back in months. The property is fenced but some of it is a little old. When these dogs got in before, I followed them to where they got out and blocked off those holes. Now they are coming through our neighbor's pasture and he only has cattle so 4 strands of barb wire. Most of this still has fencing over it but they got in at a section where the fencing had grown into a tree and been lifted.

The birds have a 40X50' fenced run but they like to be able to forage in the woods and creek (I have ducks too) and it helps me a bit with feed costs. I'm going to be vigilant for another day or 2 and keep a look out for the dogs before I let the birds out again.

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