Hahaha, I was wondering how ppl do this! I guess we will figure out something.... :)
Maybe I will section off part of the run and have my hubby make a large dog house type building for the roos and then keep them in there. But then I have to figure out where to let them mate so I will have fertile eggs... hummmm
Wow, this is such a small world! Your dad may know my husband and his sister in law she is an inspector for the Health Dept. 
my dad knows everyone! He retired like 3 and a half maybe 4 years ago but logged over 25 years with the health department. His name is John Sobera maybe they do know him! Youre more than welcome to ask! What a small world.
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I will ask my husband if he knows him. He knows many ppl from this area he grew up here. I am a transplant from Cali.... lol
But I have been here since 1989. So I am an Alabamian now! lol
Hi ceeceeholt
I was wondering how breeders or ppl that sell their eggs keep the hens and roos seperate so that you don't get mixed chicks? I am trying to figure this out before we build the run this weekend.
I am scared to put all the hens and roos in the same run and have a mixed up mess.... lol can you offer some advice please?

I am in the process of building 3 portable Chicken Tractors and will place each breed in a different one. I plan to also let the chickens free range some too and will keep them separate by not letting but one breed outside at a time. I am doing this to help fertilize my garden spot and hopefully get rid of some noxious weed seed that have been invading my garden. I am beginning to get a lot of "iron weed, or tea weed" and hope my chickens will scratch and eat them.
Does anyone else have these weeds in their garden or pasture? Mine appeared a couple years ago, and the county extension agent said I wasn't the only one and that they could have come from anywhere and were common. I had never seen them before and thought I might have gotten them in some hay I bought for the horses.
And we accept you with open arms! My dad was born and raised in Selma and lived there up until about 6 years ago. Where are you guys located now? We live close to ky in-laws in Parrish Alabama closest to jasper but near enoughto Birmingham to count. :)
The chicklets are here! The chicklets are here!

5 golden comets and 5 araucanas

Pics to follow soon. Can't wait to show off my new brooder too. We are going all TSC this year and brooding in a stock tank. Should be able to house them in it until the weather warms up.
I have to many fences around the property for the cows to separate the pastures to use those I believe. I only have abt. an acre that I am building the chicken coop and run on and there are alot of old oak trees on that side of the pasture. I may have to talk my husband into building me another small run for mating the chickens... I am not sure. I will talk to him about it before we start putting in the posts.... lol
The only way to keep your chicks pure is to keep your breeds seperate. I have a very large coop and run for my ameraucana flock (which lays only blue eggs) I have some other breed hens in there (laying white or brown eggs) just for fun but only ameraucana roosters. I use a 8X8 dog kennel for my smaller flocks of BCM and bantum cochins. Makes for more work. Watering, feeding etc. But it is the only way not to have "mutt" chicks.

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