The big thing is to open the incubator as little as possible until the hatch is over. So waiting a day or so and then pulling out the hatched ones is a good idea. If you think more may hatch, do it quickly. I also try to make sure the ones I pull out are good and dry. (All this waiting is extremely hard for me though! LOL)
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I want to hatch some babies, because surely I'm not busy enough yet... they sound so cute


Any idea what kind these are? Supposedly we bought Rhode Island Reds. We have these two that are different and another set of two that are tannish/reddish. The rest look like they should.
Hearing aids went suprisingly well. He seemed pleased to be able to hear things. Today he actually started walking, which I can never get him to do. Not sure if it's related at all, but he wouldn't walk yesterday before he got them. Maybe he's got some renewed confidence. He's scared to fall... he can stand on his own, but is scared to. Ofcourse, he yanks the things out his ears a few times a day. Chewed them up while watching Winnie the Pooh
Got little tooth marks all over. Luckily they'll replace them for free once during the first year and repair them for a couple of years. And hooray for medicaid. Would've cost us $1350 without, not counting all the office visits x_X

Where'd you get them? I got some mystery red birdies myself from Tractor Supply, closest guess I got out of mine was partridge rock.

Shape wise, those look a lot like my 'RIR' from TSC
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Hearing aids went suprisingly well. He seemed pleased to be able to hear things. Today he actually started walking, which I can never get him to do. Not sure if it's related at all, but he wouldn't walk yesterday before he got them. Maybe he's got some renewed confidence. He's scared to fall... he can stand on his own, but is scared to. Ofcourse, he yanks the things out his ears a few times a day. Chewed them up while watching Winnie the Pooh :rolleyes: Got little tooth marks all over. Luckily they'll replace them for free once during the first year and repair them for a couple of years. And hooray for medicaid. Would've cost us $1350 without, not counting all the office visits x_X

Where'd you get them? I got some mystery red birdies myself from Tractor Supply, closest guess I got out of mine was partridge rock.

Shape wise, those look a lot like my 'RIR' from TSC

The birds actually came from a lady. She had several different types of chickens so I am thinking one got mixed in somewhere. I will have to look up partridge rocks. Thanks!
Just getting home from chicken and egg festavil it has been a great day with the family. We bought a splash marans roo and 3 hens, a dozen marans hatching eggs and a dozen buckeye eggs now the incubator is full again.
I couldn't find chickens or eggs at the chicken and egg festival! Maybe we just didn't know where to look. Should have hooked up with you there Danny. We absolutely went with the purpose of buckeyes. :( bummer!
TomTom, I'm so glad things went well and we knew the teeth marks were going to happen ;) Medicaid is great for the little kiddos, Cedar was delivered on Medicaid in Tennessee (which had a lot more coverage for the moms) and now that's what pays for the majority of his pediatric care.

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