I have a RIR roo that's like that too. I've been meaning to walk around holding him for a bit, but I haven't had the time to do it.
The games were getting upset last night and I didn't see anything when I did my check. I think it was hiding in the tree over the pump house. I'll be checking that tree from now on.
I really hate that I lost them, but at least I'll have more eggs coming soon. I'm stubborn. When I start raising something I don't give up until I'm absolutely sure I can't do it.

I wanted to let everyone know that despite a bad start to the day, my baby shower was fantastic! I got to see some old friends and hang out with my family. I didn't ask anyone to bring anything, but I ended up with a ton of stuff that I really needed.
Plus, I got to hang out in a kiddie pool.
Hey Razadia, So great that you got ton's of stuff for the baby! And got to use the kiddie pool! They are fun!
I have a 100% BBS English Orpington cockerel, imported by Heirloom Poultry from Marc Sacre's lines, for sale.
He was the only survivor of a particularly bad hatch and is currently rooming with two New Hampshire pullets. From what the breeder told me his parent flock has won numerous shows, and from the pictures they look like it!

Growing like a weed, they get big fast apparently!
He's about 4-ish weeks old.

Too bad I can't keep roo

On other notes. I've attached of couple of pictures of the orps chicks I got from you last year. See how they grown! I LOVE THEM!!! One of my friend saw mine and wanted some too. Email your mom about it but never got a response.

:drool Too bad I can't keep roo On other notes. I've attached of couple of pictures of the orps chicks I got from you last year. See how they grown! I LOVE THEM!!! One of my friend saw mine and wanted some too. Email your mom about it but never got a response.
They grew up beautiful, and they look just like their parents! :love Oh! Sorry about that, she must have a dozen email addresses and I don't know how often she checks half of them! We only have one hen and roo at the moment, once she quits being a broody though, we might be able to save up a couple eggs and see if we can get a few chicks. And if we still have our little English roo, we might have a few super fluffy ones too. lol
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Alabama Friends,
I am looking to adding a few more ducks to my pond. We have an acre catfish pond and love the ducks, they provide a lot of entrainment or just the joy of watching them swim around the pond. We live close to Tuscaloosa. I am looking for some more Muscovy’s, but willing to try some other varieties. My email is [email protected]
Thank you
Welcome to BYC!
You'll be hearing from lots of folks about ducks real soon.....
Meanwhile, just because, War Eagle, heehee
It's been months since I got to check in here! How is everyone? Everyone's chickies growing like crazy?
I'm probably new to you...wasn't very active on any sites until I had my first incubated hatch at Easter 2013....
Had alot to learn, and rather just reading threads, as I had been doing for a couple of years.... I started asking questions to get me through the hatch.
Then I found the AL thread and wanted to see it grow, 'cause when I can, I like to keep it local!

Talk to you soon......
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I'm probably new to you...wasn't very active on any sites until I had my first incubated hatch at Easter 2013....
Had alot to learn, and rather just reading threads, as I had been doing for a couple of years.... I started asking questions to get me through the hatch.
Then I found the AL hatch and wanted to see it grow, 'cause when I can, I like to keep it local!

Talk to you soon......
PS....War Eagle
I am from a small town called Valley AL, next to Lanett, AL (both are on the map now and have signs on the interstate, heehee_) Are you familiar with the area? Right on the AL/GA line.......moved to Mobile, AL in 1975. Moved to Fairhope, AL in 2008.
Need some advice.... I have an Amercaunia roo that is a pain in my tail. He is the only survivor from our first hatch, and colored beautifully, so I don't want to get rid of him but I am at the point if not being able to take his attitude anymore. Hubby says he's just misunderstood, but he enjoys going after my girls and I when we are outside. He leaves the hubby and son alone, but the girls and I have to carry a stick or something with us to fight him off when we are outside. Last night was the worst, he'd go after one of my feet while I was trying to get him away with the other for about 5 minutes. Then tried to bite me when I was getting the rest of the chickens to put them to bed. He also leads the other amercaunias in picking on my Doms when they get the chance.
I take my hand and push the roo down and hold him there then I let him go. Do this every time he acts up and afterwards if he leaves you alone, leave him alone, but be aware cause he might try to sneak up on you again. Push him down again. I know, it will be hard to get ahold of him. Mine had just started getting bossy with me when I tried this and it did not take long for him to get it. I don't have any problems with him at all. I can pick him up and everything. He's the best! SO though mine was definitely not as bad as yours it may be worth a shot.
I chase my roo around every couple of days, for good measure. He likes to give me that look, as if he's ready to try and stand up to me. So I chase him around some, holding my arms wide and stomping on the ground. I don't care how stupid I look, he fears me

He's been a terror to the girls though, chasing them around, grabbing them... luckily I have 9 girls, so they all get plenty of breaks from being chased..

Forgot about the two copperheads we killed some weeks ago. It happened right as my mother-in-law was in the MICU, so it really slipped my mind. Neighbor came and had a fit, saying he was terrified of snakes, if we could kill it for him. So my fiance goes to kill it and I a realize there's a second one behind him!

I was going to let the chickens have the snakes, minus heads.. but fiance said no. I figured they could practice slinging them around and bashing them on the ground. *shrug* Haven't seen any snakes in my yard, luckily.

It's been a crazy month.. MIL passed away, had to magically make money appear to make arrangements (I only managed to magically make credit cards appear
). My mom flew over to kinda help distract the kiddo's and pay her respects. Had custody/divorce court only days after that. Dr.s visits etc.etc.etc. *brainsplode* I'm ready for things to settle down a bit again.

We've decided to just have another kid.. or well.. try. Get that out of the way
Really, there's no point waiting til we have money. Because.. ya know.. that's never going to happen.

I think the fact my mom was sleeping in a room with two kids the past 3 weeks, proved to us we can stash a lot more kids in a room than we thought *snicker*

I'm still waiting for my first eggies. Girls are 15 and 16 weeks now.... It could be days, it could be weeks. One of the white rocks looks like she'd be ready. The rest... not so much.

My camera broke a few days ago, so I wont be able to share pics.. except maybe some from my phone. Maybe... I'll try ^^ Y'all have got to see my Roo, he's a majestic beast.

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