Wanted to stop and update everyone on my recent bout of Cocci. Everyone is doing so well. I'm very blessed that I caught it in time and didn't lose anybody. My little Bantams are playful and energetic. Thanks so much for everyone's help. Especially ChirpingCricket!
Wanted to stop and update everyone on my recent bout of Cocci. Everyone is doing so well. I'm very blessed that I caught it in time and didn't lose anybody. My little Bantams are playful and energetic. Thanks so much for everyone's help. Especially ChirpingCricket!
I am so glad that your birds are all ok! But just from hearing everyone with cocci losing so many birds, I ordered some baby chicks and paid for the cocci vaccine so I won't have to worry about them! And from now on I will get the cocci vaccine for my birds.
I am so glad that your birds are all ok! But just from hearing everyone with cocci losing so many birds, I ordered some baby chicks and paid for the cocci vaccine so I won't have to worry about them! And from now on I will get the cocci vaccine for my birds.

I didn't know that we had an option to vaccinate for cocci. I will have to remember that when I decide to order chicks. The two bantams I have in the brooder still are the only ones that I was positive had it. I treated my outside flock as a precaution.
I didn't know that we had an option to vaccinate for cocci. I will have to remember that when I decide to order chicks. The two bantams I have in the brooder still are the only ones that I was positive had it. I treated my outside flock as a precaution.
It's a new vaccine. I have been looking to see if I can buy it for my other birds, have not had any luck so far.
Does anyone know of Alabama farmers that grow wheat, corn, or milo that is non-gmo (probably applies to just corn) and naturally grown without chemicals? Thanks!

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