I have brahmas now and love them. Looking for a variety of egg colors tho. Besides ees which breeds should i be on the lookout for? Ive heard some breeds lay pink, dark brown, red, blue, green, etc. Thanks in advance
I think if you get EEs, along with your Brahamas, and one of the dark egg layers (Marans, Welsummers, Penedesankas) you will have the most variety you can get. You could add some Olive eggers with crosses of your dark and tinted eggs layers.
Tractor supply in ozark is getting chicks feb 17. Have any of u ever bought chicks from them?

I haven't bought from Tractor Supply in Ozark. I bought my chickens from the local Tractor Supply. The chickens were all healthy and they have done well. I would say they are typical hatchery chicks. I got 6 eggs from 7 hens today. I got them the first of April and they were laying by Labor Day. Some of my favorites are the Red Sex Links. They lay well and they have laid some really large eggs. They are very friendly. The main drawback on them for me is that they are a cross so if you set the eggs you won't know exactly how they will come out. It is kind of pot luck at Tractor Supply. They seem to get what is available. So, the breeds available varies from week to week. The store here gets the chicks in Tuesdays. You might want to check and see when they will get theirs so you can get your pick. The chicks here seem to go fast. They should get chicks through April.

Snowy goodness.

My girls are pretty confused by the stuff. They're under the coop, hopping on one foot at a time, shivering. Tried to get them to go into the coop, but they're not used to being inside during the day.
Tractor supply in ozark is getting chicks feb 17. Have any of u ever bought chicks from them?

My mother bought me pullets last year. They are great egg layers. Also, snag a couple of d'uccles and seabrights. I didn't want the seabright though so already found them homes. Kept the d'uccles, not sure of the quality but I love them. I'll post pics of them when I get home.

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