When the heck did they get those in? :lol: Also, 3? Man, they must just hate me (or just that mean cranky man that sold all the wyandottes while I stood there).

I got 4 Wyamdottes at the Byron GA TSC. They are about a month old now and they are getting wing feathers with the silver in them. Sorry you didn't get any. I can't wait to see them fully feathered. My granddaughter is my partner in the chickens. When I showed her pictires of the adults she said oh boy zebra chickens! Good Luck with your chickens. I have a nephew in Macalla.

This spot is on the back of my rooster right in front of his tail feathers.If you look close you will see a raised spot to the left with some small feathers coming out of it. Not sure what this is. I put some neosporin on it. Should I pull the small feathers out? Anyone else ever see this?
Well, dad (might) be getting chicks soon. The idea is to end up with at least one roo and a some hens. He's had horrible luck finding a RIR roo to replace Red since dad sold him last year. I look on craigslist from time to time, but never find one.

I'm still working on getting home. Things have been pretty crazy around here.

Today is Smudge kitty's 16th birthday. I can't find a pic of her to save my life and I know I have some.
Due to ill scheduled vacation in mid April, I could not set my sebastopol eggs this weekend. $15 each with minimum of 5. As usual, there were some clear eggs first 2 settings, but 27 of 28 set over last 2 weekends are fertile. Local pickup only / no shipping.
I was able to get some more chicks. I got six more. This time golden comets pullets. I am thrilled. It took long enough to get them though, I waited an extra week. At first I wasn't sure how my older chicks would handle having the little ones, but they love them too. So now I have a dozen chicks, and two ducks. And the luck of the Irish was with me, because they are all female! I was thinking that I may have gotten a roo in there, but nope--all ladies.

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