congratulations! i love babies (had three of my own)... makes me a little sad to see a newborn knowing i won't have anymore of my own. well... there's always grandkids!!! (please not for another 14 years)

Miss Amelia is here.. Finally! I will spare the details, let's just say it was battle to get this lady out.

She's 8lbs 10.6oz, 21 inches. Born 7:55 pm, last night. She's gorgeous, and looks nothing like me
Very long thin fingers and toes... never seen such big hands and feet on a baby. A bunch of dark hair and blue eye (for now, this can change). Healthy as can be.

We are probably heading home tomorrow, if all goes well.


Miss Amelia is here.. Finally! I will spare the details, let's just say it was battle to get this lady out.

She's 8lbs 10.6oz, 21 inches. Born 7:55 pm, last night. She's gorgeous, and looks nothing like me
Very long thin fingers and toes... never seen such big hands and feet on a baby. A bunch of dark hair and blue eye (for now, this can change). Healthy as can be.

We are probably heading home tomorrow, if all goes well.
Congrats Tomtom! She is very beautiful! And a good size baby too...
So tom... what breed of chicks are 1st on ur list? I know tsc chick days was bugging u. Then u had the scare a couple weeks back.

I gotta clean my coop, first of all. You leave for three days and come home to a mess
(honestly, I didn't get around to cleaning it before I went to the hospital. It's stinky!)

The chickens look weird to me, but that might be because I was gone. Dear hubby tried to be sweet and make a chicken waterer but messed up and it drained... so I think they went without water for quite a while.. Might be why they appear a bit odd to me. Poor things. They've got food and water now though.

Then, there's all the little cockerels I will have to dispatch in a couple of weeks.

And ofcourse being busy being a new mom.....

Ask me again in a few months

Miss Amelia is here.. Finally! I will spare the details, let's just say it was battle to get this lady out.

She's 8lbs 10.6oz, 21 inches. Born 7:55 pm, last night. She's gorgeous, and looks nothing like me
Very long thin fingers and toes... never seen such big hands and feet on a baby. A bunch of dark hair and blue eye (for now, this can change). Healthy as can be.

We are probably heading home tomorrow, if all goes well.
Contratulations! She's a little cutie!

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