Have any of you guys had a chick with curled toes? I didn't want to mess with it. But it is 4days old now, and it's not getting any better. So I read up on it and decided to go ahead and try to help.


will see..

Hey y'all. My flock is now almost 6 months old, and today I noticed one of my girls is acting off. Teeny is my smallest, but she also seemed to be my quickest to mature. We still have no eggs, which I thought could be from over population and stress from it. I gave some birds away to a friend hoping it would a week later and back to Teeny. She is puffing up, acting temperamental, and sluggish. She is eating and drinking though. So, I don't think she is sick or real sick at least. My daughter said it seems like she had to poop, (lol--she is seven and almost any tummy issue can be fixed in her mind by a bowel movement). I took some pictures to see what y'all think. Any help would be great, even if it's telling me I am worrying over nothing.
Looks like she's displaying egg laying behavior. May be getting some eggs in the next couple of days. You can always take her to an avian vet to reassure yourself.
Her comb isn't red like the pullet beside her so I'm not sure she'd be trying to start to lay without having a red comb.

I'd be a little concerned as prey animals are designed to try and hide any illness very well. Can you isolate her to see what her poop looks like? Have they always been on ground or brooded on wire? Have you checked her for mites or any injury?
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She has no mites or fleas. We even treated them for worms. They have always been on the ground. Her poop is normal. The population was cut down two weeks ago. I wonder if chickens can miss their friends?
Teeny is dead. Went out this morning and she was still acting off then when we went to put the ducks in their swimming pulls she was dead.
I'm so sorry to hear that! :-( If she hadn't laid yet, could she have been egg bound? The more experienced chicken people will have to chime in, I'm still waiting on my first egg.....any day now!

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