Wisher, that little thing I got from Orps has pretty blueish legs like your boy!

I gotta get a new picture of him, he's turning out so handsome.

Can't wait to see updated pics.
I always thought that chick would brown or cream since it had chipmunk strip as a chick and mom was brown. And that Head!! The down around it made it look huge.

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thank you for the offer. I think after talking with my husband that I may need to give my flock a short brake from all the new comers and stress. I would love a silkie someday. I think they are amazingly beautiful birds
Wisher, that little thing I got from Orps has pretty blueish legs like your boy!

I gotta get a new picture of him, he's turning out so handsome.

The legs are slate blue and are a fairly common color (like I said, that pic is not mine!)

Thank you for your offer but you are 3 hours away from me

If you really want them, or if you can't find any that are closer, we may can find them a ride.

That is pretty.

I agree, and I think mine are actually better looking birds than the one in that pic. They are Campine colored except it looks like they had their white hoods pulled back to mid wing. They have a white head, neck breast, belly and the top of the wings are white. On the back, the white stops about the middle. From there on back they are barred and really are flashy birds, what with their red combs and blue legs! I call them Bama birds because they are red, white, and houndstooth!
I have been thinking about getting a roo, however I am a bit nervous about introducing another chicken to the flock. I have 4 in the run now and am raising 3 babies (well they are 2 months) My goal is to live off the land as much as possible. Any advice on this? Also what breed would be best to introduce and how old should he be?

Also has anyone else had issues with their gardens this year? Mine started strong but ended poorly. Nothing grew as large as it normally does except the weeds and morning glories
Our garden did the same. Too hot and not enough rain. Plus, it seems like the vine bors were out in force this year. The tomato worms are currently trying to kill off dad's peppers.
Spinosad is a really good organic pesticide that works well on tomato worms! I hate those things! They came after my tomatoes and peppers too, but the spinosad wiped them out!
First I have been wicked excited to start this journey. I am uploading pictures of my new babies as I type, So hopefully I can have some idea if they are roosters or hens. 

Can you tell me how many rooster is a good number to have in a run. My run is 10x20 feet with a raised hound dog two sided house in the back area. I ask because if my new EE are roosters I wouldn't want to give them away. Also I have them in a large bird cage because I thought they were big enough to not be able to get threw the chain link fence and I was wrong. So they will be on my front closed in porch until they are big enough to hang out with my girls. Is it safe to keep them in a cage or should I find something else.

More about me is I have a huge heart for animals and football. If and when I get a rooster his name will be Bama. I have a rescued beagal who's name is Bear Bryant :weee  I also have 3 other dogs, Spot, Dixie and Beauregard.  And 2 cats Jack and Sally. My girls are Chickie the Bitchie Chick, Speckles, Ashley, and Nugget!!! I names the youngest newbie Hott Fuzz but my other 2 I want to wait until I know if they are roos or not

My heart is open to any and all animals, so they flock to me LOL.

I also papercraft do needlework and garden although this year my garden didn't do so hot with this crazy weather

Thanks for reading and advice, look forward to hearing from you.

Sounds like a great start! I would recommend hardware cloth or at least some chicken wire wrapped around the bottom 2-3 feet on top of the chain link fence since lots of predators can get into, or at least reach into, chain link fence. I've heard horror stories of raccoons reaching thru and bringing only the poor chicken's head back out!
I have the entire top covered in chicken wire. My hens that are in there now are too big to get carried off but I put it up before I put them in there and this weekend my plan is to get out there are tighten up the wire, I check it every day for holes and tears and so far we have been lucky. I also was given advice on putting some plastic netting around the bottom to help keep the chicks in. Its an adventure everyday and I wouldn't change it for a minute. My hens make me so happy and give me a feeling I just can't explain.

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