I dont think I would like feathered legs either. I don't want something too different from what sells well here. Not to get off topic, but what is a street pharmacist, Bamadude?
I dont think I would like feathered legs either. I don't want something too different from what sells well here. Not to get off topic, but what is a street pharmacist, Bamadude?

Dominickers, as they call them around here, sell well. No experience with them. They always sell like hot cakes on the chicken groups. And orps... but to me they seem way too big and flooffy... seems like they'd get too hot. But they too sell well.
My RIR roo hasn't had any issues with the climate. The only issue he has is my dog trying to keep licking his legs. I don't know what it is about my dog, but he likes to like only my rooster's legs. He leaves my hens and ducks alone.
Mister B,
I am here in Florence and I have some hens i would get rid of. I have 1 Barred Rock about 3 Dominickers some Comets a couple Silver Laced Wyendottes and a few Gold Laced Wyendottes and 2 Naked Necks. I got them at the feed store I use out here (Rocking Y) around February/March. They are laying. Just thinking about thinning down the herd to concentrate on my others like my RIR's and Orphingtons.

x2 - Actually I'd say the majority of hatchery birds are only a color sired by the most aggressive cocks in the huge pens

My hatchery birds have good tempers, but they're pretty ugly SOP wise
They're not sick, but it feels like their baseline health is pretty rough.. always a little "sickly" looking, but that's just their normal self. I don't have that issue with non-hatchery birds.
I may be over reacting a bit (never tell my hubby I said that). But one of my spring chicks just looks sad! She is always alone,she talks nonstop,she sleeps in a nest box instead of on the roost with her siblings,When I am chilling outside I will pick her up and she will sit in my lap as long as I let her(that is odd for my bunch,a quick scratch on the head is usually all I get to do). Otherwise she just wonders around all by herself.She eats,but not as much as everyone else,she drinks,her poops are normal.I'm sure chickens don't get sad,she is probably sick with something,But what could it be.I have been giving her first pick of the veggies and treats.She will just get a few bites and she is done.Please don't be shy to tell me if you think I am over reacting,I would be glad if that were the case.

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