No livestock... yet...
We just moved here in October '21. I have a few separate flocks of chickens and a pair of peafowl.
We purchased an older home that we are living in while we remodel it.
I have some egg layer hens - 4 Light Brahma, 2 Blue Copper Marans, 1 Coachin, 2 Heritage RIR, 2 White Leghorn, 3 mixes and a Brahma roo in a large run with a nice hen house. I have 2 flocks of Silkies, Black and White. I also have flock of a game chicken, not sure of the breed, but they are lovely to look at and the hens sing all day, a roo and 3 hens.
At this very moment, I am watching nuggets hatch in the incubator. So far 12 chicks hatched and only 1 looks weak, may not make it.
6 are pipping and 4 are moving a little. 12 Silkie chicks with momma, 3 Brahma chicks with momma and a game hen on some eggs. I don't know how many, she attacks me if I get too close. She is sweet when she isn't on eggs, LoL.
So, none of these hatching, outside of the incubator was planned, it just sort of happened..


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I have to many roosters I really need to get rid of 5 or 6 of them if u live in Prattville Alabama or Millbrook Alabama please get back to me here's a few pictures of them


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@GingerRose - sounds like you have a nice flock started (and growing!) - what are your plans for your new property and your goals as a poultry keeper?
Hey. Apologies for the LATE reply.
We don't have any solid plan for the property as of now. We have tossed around some ideas. Our main goal is the remodel. It has been a slow process because my husband works all the time and we are doing all of this ourselves. We both own our own small businesses. Mine smaller than his, LoL.
He don't really want me working on a project unless he is home to help me. 🙄.
My goal as a poultry keeper?
Happy, healthy singing flocks.
I first purchased pet quality silkies from local folks and I still have a most of them. I first purchased these because i wanted to make sure i could successfully keep them. I feel like I'm ready to purchase a higher quality flock. We have built 5 new enclosures, ready for Silkies. I plan to keep my existing flocks separate from the higher quality flocks. I don't want to be a "breeder".... but I will raise some chicks from them.
I have my egg layers that I allow to hatch out chicks. I have sold their mixed chicks to friends of friends, and neighbors. I mainly wanted the eggs. I give my excess eggs away to a few people.

That's about it.
There's more to the story, but not of the property.
Hey y'all! We're up in Fort Payne, Dekalb County. New to poultry. Received chicks 2 1/2 weeks ago and ducks & geese this past week from 2 different hatcheries. They are in separate sides of large brooder.

Plan to integrate them. How long should we keep them separate?

The mix is:
Chicks- 1 M & 5 F Red Stars, 1 SR Houdan
Ducks- 4 M misc, 3 SR Muscovy, 4 F misc
Geese- 3 M misc, 2 F Embden

Will be culling some of the M ducks and probably geese. Yes, this is a mixed flock. My son's idea. He'll have to deal with the fallout if it doesn't work. They'll be free ranging in electrical poultry fence that will be moved often. We have acreage.

My concern is the Houdan. It was a mystery chick. I read that it doesn't free range. It's the runt atm. Eats toward the end. Doesn't scratch around like the others. Shy.

Thoughts on how I can help it in the flock, or am I going to have to separate him? Made their coop in a big stall in the barn. Planning to breed some EE soon. Might have to use the other stall for them.


Hi y'all, we have a male Pekin duck who just lost his female friend. he never tried to mate with her and we suspect that she had some issues. She had a bad limp for all the time anyone can remember, but the male stayed with her, protected her, and was as loyal as I have ever seen in any animal. She died a couple of days ago and he is alone. There are many other ducks on the pond, but these 2 kept to themselves. We're worried that he'll become depressed and die, we've heard that this is common with Pekin's. We're in Daphne and would love to get him a friend, or friends of his own kind. We're just not sure of the best solution or where to locate those Pekin Duck friends for him? Any suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated!
Hello Fort Payne, we're up in Mentone!
My chicken-raising adventure is up to a rough start and I have a lot of questions, like:
1. How the HECK do you find a veterinarian who actually sees chickens around here? You wouldn't think it would be so hard in rural Dekalb County Alabama!
2. If a chick I bought from a local farm gets sick on the second day after I got it, and then two of the other chicks get sick days later, did that come from the farm or could it have been something I did? I don't want to be told what I "want" to hear, I want honest answers so I can troubleshoot.
3. And, if it did come from the farm (seems likely enough since the lady at the farm desperately wants me to just give her ALL the chicks back and get my money back, she claims federal inspectors will open them up and tell her what they have but my friend says, "I don't believe for a second that they have a federal inspector.") then is there something I'm supposed to do to report an outbreak or something? Is that kept track of by anyone?
@GracieKatt - Welcome to Backyard Chickens and welcome to this little corner of BYC for Alabamians! For question 1, perhaps contact Auburn University or Tuskegee vet schools and maybe they can direct you. Reach out to some rural vets that see large and small animal, maybe they can help. BYC has many great resources to help you with some issues in the event you cannot find a good avian vet off hand.

As for your other questions, I recommend posting them in the injury/disease/illness forum section for some better input. You may want to describe the symptoms of these chicks in detail and possibly include photos and/or video.
Hey Alabama Folks!
We are searching for someone with one or more Nubian goat doelings available for sale. We want girls who are eligible to be registered through ADGA, and would love to see your photos of babies/parents and asking price. Please message, that is the best way to reach me, or @ me here. Thanks!​

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