Alagaesia - a human, dwarf, urgal, elf, dragon, wherecat, and others RP - re-start!

Cruor groaned, the energy stolen from the queen was keeping him alive but for how much longer? the queen screamed, and Cruor noticed woozily that he was still clutching her hand. she dangled below him.
Alexa, Windstorm, Rhyan, Quarrax, Gwen + Maria, Blizz, Midnight, Isabella, and Feiro filed inside for the Masked Ball.
gwen's dress
maria's dress
isabella's dress (designed to fit a dwarf, of course.)
blizz's dress
Eragon nodded in greeting, smiling.
Saphira dipped her massive head slightly.

Arya and Sophia flew to the ball, Arya, like she was supposed to, was wearing a mask, it covered her face, there was no way to tell it was her besides the fact that she was with Sophia.

Eragon dipped his head to them, smiling still.

Arya and Sophia landed, Arya looked up at Sophia.
Let's see. Phoenix is Windstorm's mate, Selena and her dragon whose name I forgot again are to young to have mates, Fierlin hasn't been introduced yet, Demeter, Angravel, Fencing, and Storm have yet to meet, and Mi, Miaya, Bjart'istalri, Shadow?wing?, Ironscale, are just friends right now, and no one would fall in love with Carlos as he is a complete jerk. Oh, and Rehash is becoming friends with one of Cayuga's charries.
Let's see. Phoenix is Windstorm's mate, Selena and her dragon whose name I forgot again are to young to have mates, Fierlin hasn't been introduced yet, Demeter, Angravel, Fencing, and Storm have yet to meet, and Mi, Miaya, Bjart'istalri, Shadow?wing?, Ironscale, are just friends right now, and no one would fall in love with Carlos as he is a complete jerk. Oh, and Rehash is becoming friends with one of Cayuga's charries.
Rehash? remind me who that is again pls? :p

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