All-ages appropriate Writing Club!


Sep 4, 2019
Idaho -- currently roadschooling
My Coop
My Coop
Hey writing friends! Who wants to share inspiration, advice, and stories?

I thought I'd start a thread for writers who write kid-friendly stories! Not necessarily kid books, just stuff that would be okay for them to read.

A few questions to start us off:
  • What story are you working on right now? Want to share?
  • What is your favorite book or series and what are you reading right now? (Reading impacts writing a lot)
  • What is your favorite genre to read/write?
  • Do you prefer first, second, or third perspective?
  • How would you describe your writing style?
  • What part(s) of writing a story do you struggle with?
And here's an inspiring quote I recently heard: "Reading is inhaling and writing is exhaling."

I'm looking forward to some fun and good reading!
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Well, my stories absolutely are not child friendly (or teen technically probably) but I can still answer some of the questions and I'll probably still lurk because I don't see a lot of writers period.

1) let's just say a type of romance
2)I love mythical/sci-fi stuff. Maximum Ride, Warrior cats, shadowhunters, and game of thrones, those are 4 that I always have available to read
3) favorite to read, maybe certain types of romance or adventure. To write, probably certain the same but with angst and other tough things
4) I write in 3rd and most of what I read is 3rd. 1st I find boring because it's almost certain the main character is in no real danger since they can't die (except in rare cases)
5) Reading and writing is the calm, boring parts. I love the tough scenes, the scenes of pain and fight and panic and just pure survival and animal instincts coming alive. The calm, sophisticated scenes bore me
Well, my stories absolutely are not child friendly (or teen technically probably) but I can still answer some of the questions and I'll probably still lurk because I don't see a lot of writers period.

1) let's just say a type of romance
2)I love mythical/sci-fi stuff. Maximum Ride, Warrior cats, shadowhunters, and game of thrones, those are 4 that I always have available to read
3) favorite to read, maybe certain types of romance or adventure. To write, probably certain the same but with angst and other tough things
4) I write in 3rd and most of what I read is 3rd. 1st I find boring because it's almost certain the main character is in no real danger since they can't die (except in rare cases)
5) Reading and writing is the calm, boring parts. I love the tough scenes, the scenes of pain and fight and panic and just pure survival and animal instincts coming alive. The calm, sophisticated scenes bore me
Warrior cat reader here too! I've never even hear of the other books!

I've never meet anybody with your book preferences. I think it's awesome! I like reading third perspective if it is written well.

I find calm parts sort of dull too. A favorite author of mine, Jennifer A Neilson says, "whenever I find that my story is dragging and getting repetitive I think of the worst thing that could possibly happen to my character, then do it. Then I leave it into them to get out of the mess."

The funny thing is, I can identify when she did this in her books! Her character in The False Prince has jumped of a cliff, broke his leg and had to climb a wall, been partially hanged, and been tossed into a inescapable cave full of sea water with the tide coming in.

This has been helpful to me because I think sometimes my books get repetitive. I hope you like it too!
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  • What story are you working on right now? I'm working on a Robin Hood retelling. I'm currently re-writing it and haven't got very far but have the basic plot my head. I have a very rough beginning but hope to find a part worthy of sharing soon.
  • What is your favorite book or series and what are you reading right now? (Reading impacts writing a lot) Right now I'd have to say my favorites are Words On Fire and Resistance by Jennifer A. Neilson (I'm pretty sure I'm spelling her name wrong). I've been reading the Ranger's Apprentice series and am finishing the Eragon series.
  • What is your favorite genre to read/write? I love fantasy and historical fiction! Recently I have lived medieval stories. In the past, I have always wrote fantasy but I am trying to turn my current book into a sort of historical fiction. Not exactly but enough that you get the medieval feel.
  • Do you prefer first, second, or third perspective? I mostly use first perspective and sometimes second. I'm fine reading any.
  • How would you describe your writing style? I have a basic plan but I mostly just wing it. I sort of go in spurts and don't write consistently but when I'm doing it right, the words just flow out. Sometimes I feel like the story already exists and I am just unraveling it. And when I write the wrong words than I get writers block.
  • What part(s) of writing a story do you struggle with? I have been struggling to create strong characters. Open to advice!
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Warrior cat reader here too! I've never even hear of the other books!

I've never meet anybody with your book preferences. I think it's awesome! I like reading third perspective if it is written well.

I find calm parts sort of dull too. A favorite author of mine, Jennifer A Neilson says, "whenever I find that my story is dragging and getting repetitive I think of the worst thing that could possibly happen to my character, then do it. Then I leave it into them to get out of the mess."

The funny thing is, I can identify when she did this in her books! Her character in The False Prince has jumped of a cliff, broke his leg and had to climb a wall, been partially hanged, and been tossed into a inescapable cave full of sea water with the tide coming in.

This has been helpful to me because I think sometimes my books get repetitive. I hope you like it too!
Oh, that books a favorite too. I have the trilogy somewhere. The second is my absolute favorite out of the three
Oh, that books a favorite too. I have the trilogy somewhere. The second is my absolute favorite out of the three
Cool! I love this series. It's officially a series now! Four books with the fifth and (for now) final book coming out this fall! I'm not a huge fan of book four but Sage is funny enough to be worth reading!

Oh, and if you like action-packed books, you might like The Alliance by Gerald Lund. Sort of sci-fiction, with some romance. Everybody I know who has read it has loved it! It's the kind of book you can't put down. Better than Harry Potter in my opinion.
1. I’m working on a fantasy story at the moment, two actually.
2. I love fantasy stories and I really enjoy the series Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas and the A court of thorns and roses also by Sarah J. Maas. Another series I really enjoy reading was the shadow hunters (Cassandra Clare) I also loved the hunger games.
3. My favourite genre is fantasy and sci fi. Love sci fi but I have never been that great at writing it so I just stick to reading it. I enjoy writing fantasy though and find it fun just to make up my own worlds.
4. I normally do first or third perspective my first story that I’m working on at the moment is in third but my second is in first.
5. Ooh um I don’t know. I tend to write very different to when I do RP’s on here because I can control every character. I don’t plan out my stories but sometimes I get a key idea in my head or I see the scene just start to play out before me and I say okay let’s roll with that and I just kind of let my pen write whatever words pop into my head. Usually it turns out to be okay.
6. I struggle sometimes with writers block or sometimes with getting the story going because I know my key idea and main plot point it’s just getting to the actual moment of action.
Interesting, thought it was pretty wrapped up with the 3rd book ending. I'll have to look into it.

Never got what was so great about Harry potter tbh. Movies were good, but the books were far too dense for me
These books weren't planned, they were added on.

Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Fablehaven type books aren't really my style but I can see why others like them!
1. I’m working on a fantasy story at the moment, two actually.
2. I love fantasy stories and I really enjoy the series Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas and the A court of thorns and roses also by Sarah J. Maas. Another series I really enjoy reading was the shadow hunters (Cassandra Clare) I also loved the hunger games.
3. My favourite genre is fantasy and sci fi. Love sci fi but I have never been that great at writing it so I just stick to reading it. I enjoy writing fantasy though and find it fun just to make up my own worlds.
4. I normally do first or third perspective my first story that I’m working on at the moment is in third but my second is in first.
5. Ooh um I don’t know. I tend to write very different to when I do RP’s on here because I can control every character. I don’t plan out my stories but sometimes I get a key idea in my head or I see the scene just start to play out before me and I say okay let’s roll with that and I just kind of let my pen write whatever words pop into my head. Usually it turns out to be okay.
6. I struggle sometimes with writers block or sometimes with getting the story going because I know my key idea and main plot point it’s just getting to the actual moment of action.
I'd love to read one of your books!

I struggle with writer's block too. Hopefully someone has some advice for us! Your writing style sounds similar to mine and I get what you mean when you say it's hard to get rolling.

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