All Chickens Contest - Ends 11/01/18

1. Name: Poppy
2. Picture:

3. Breed: White Leghorn
4. Gender: Female
5. Fun Fact: she is the most inquisitive hen I have.
Name: Gretchen

Breed: Easter Egger
Gender: Female
Fun Fact: I had originally bought 2 EE this spring and both were a bit bossy in the brooder hence the names Regina and Gretchen from the movie "Mean Girls". Well Regina turned out to be a cockerel so he went bye-bye. The moment he left Gretchen turned into the loveliest little chicken. Don't tell my others that Gretchen is our favorite :)
IMG_20180708_194248160.jpg meet my two barred rock ladies! Harriet stands as Dotty naps. Not unusual for this pair. They hatched the same day minutes apart from the same clutch.
Harriet is boss of the applesauce. Very vocal and loud.
When it's egg lay time for Dotty , regardless where and what Harriets doing, Dotty becomes very vocal to Harriet until she follows her back inside to the nest boxes. The entire time Harriet guards dotty until she sings her egg praise. The show begins around 9 every morning!:gig

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