All chicks died within 30 minutes


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 22, 2019

I got 4 chicks from TS and had them for about a week. This morning they all looked fine and later in the morning they all died one by one within a timeframe of about 30 minutes. They were on starter feed and water with electrolytes and under a heating lamp (but not too hot). Any thoughts on why they all died? Never happened before but also never bought chicks from TS before.
None of the above. I had them inside a few steps from my kitchen. Nothing unusual this morning. We refilled their feed and they were eating fine.
I am so sorry your babies died. :hugs

I agree with @happybooker1 Sounds like Teflon poisoning. Either an over heated teflon pan was the culprit or if you used a heat lamp designed for keeping food warm which emits Teflon. Teflon is horribly poisonous to birds and kills them very quickly.

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