All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

Oh yeah... I was talking with my uncle and mentioned BYC and he said he knew all about it and used to come here.. not sure if he ever had an account... but I was bragging on all of my wonderful chicken friends that I have from all over the world!! 💕❤️ And of course pointed out that beautiful blanket on the chair over there and said that my friend @Ribh in Australia made that for me and also one for my girl!
I am grateful for all of my dear friends here💕... I really do brag on yall a lot❤️.... and mention yall so often that the girl and hubs know yall by name😁
I do this and feel the same way! My husband knows who I'm talking about when I mention any of you! 💗
Hey everyone! Tell me what yall think we ought to do about Bobby.. he attacked me today... I think he may have been trying to "protect" Teddy as I went to grab her to take her out of the room where I was painting.. but I certainly didn't do anything abnormal... and not only did he bite me he continued to try and attack! I had to back myself into the bathroom and shut the door before he could get me again!! This is the second time he did this.. he did the same thing to the girl a few months ago!! And she was just walking through the room! But he is usually very sweet and social.. he is not a mean cat but he IS a Siamese! He may have sealed his fate...View attachment 2719793View attachment 2719794View attachment 2719795View attachment 2719796
Oh no...sorry this happened WhoDat, that's awful! We had a cat that would just all of a sudden attack. When she attacked my daughter in the face that was the end! There was just something broken in her. It was not an easy decision.
82° today, I am so not used to it!

That is considered warm for Washington.
It was 113 for us in Eastern WA! We definitely had some warm weather. It will be 102 today, but it always runs warmer where I live compared to your location! It certainly makes going for a night swim much more enjoyable! :)
Oh yeah... I was talking with my uncle and mentioned BYC and he said he knew all about it and used to come here.. not sure if he ever had an account... but I was bragging on all of my wonderful chicken friends that I have from all over the world!! 💕❤️ And of course pointed out that beautiful blanket on the chair over there and said that my friend @Ribh in Australia made that for me and also one for my girl!
I am grateful for all of my dear friends here💕... I really do brag on yall a lot❤️.... and mention yall so often that the girl and hubs know yall by name😁
THAT is to dog-gone cute!!!, I tell you what🥰
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I have 7- 8 week olds that I am in the middle of trying to integrate with my 5- 1 year old hens. They have been free ranging all together for a week now, everything seems ok. There is some pecking, my barred rock is the worst which totally surprised me. But all in all they seem to co exist other than the littles never being allowed to have a treat :(
They are separated in the run when not free ranging and have their own little temporary coop.
So my next hurdle is getting them into the big coop together. They want to go in there, every evening after the big girls go in, they sit on the door and venture just inside but are super nervous. . Last night they were so close! they even tried going in and roosting on the window sill. Should I put them in there and shut the door or wait for them to get the nerve? I'm off from work for 12 days after today so I will be able e to supervise them more closely.
Hmmmmm, I’m not sure... if you think they may be bullied in the morning before you open them up then I’d maybe wait till they are a little bigger... that’s what I’m doing with mine.. I let them out of their section during the day but close them up at night so as not to be bullied in the morning before I let them into the yard... but I guess it also depends on the extent of the bullying... if it weren’t for my 3 month olds I’d let mine out for good.

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