All my chicks are sneezing, sometimes twitching head


Mar 13, 2015
Long Island, NY
All my chicks are sneezing, not frequently but occasionally. My silkie and polish are twitching their head. It doesn't seem to bother them. No other signs. Eating and drinking have not declined, poop looks normal. The sneezing is less frequent outside of the brooder.

Infectious Bronchitis? This has been continuing for 3 weeks with no change.
Most likely it's something environmental because you stated that it's less frequent outside the brooder. Common problems could be inadequate ventilation, ammonia fumes, type of litter or litter change needed, inhalation of feed dust, dusty environment, pollen, dander, external parasites causing the head twitching...but they'd scratch as well. Chicks also shed fluff which could be irritating.
Most likely it's something environmental because you stated that it's less frequent outside the brooder. Common problems could be inadequate ventilation, ammonia fumes, type of litter or litter change needed, inhalation of feed dust, dusty environment, pollen, dander, external parasites causing the head twitching...but they'd scratch as well. Chicks also shed fluff which could be irritating.
We have a really bad pollen issue right now. Pollen everywhere. Our house is also very dusty, which could be an issue.

The sneezing almost seems to have ceased, except for an occasional "achew!", but the head twitching persists which has me worried.
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