All My Hens Are Using the Same Nesting Box!

They lay in the same box because they are creating a brood of eggs. They put them all in the same box so that when enough is in one pile someone can sit on them and hatch them. It is instinct. The chickens aren't laying eggs for us to eat - they are laying them to reproduce. It is in their best interest to lay them in a pile so they are taken care of.
Genetically/evolutionarily speaking, wouldn't it be in their best interest to isolate their own eggs for hatch and destroy the competition, not share a nest?

I've got five that lay and two nest boxes. Now two of the five have recently gone broody and are holding the box hostage. It's very invonvenient for humans and layers and broody alike to just use one box. Stupid birds!
Genetically/evolutionarily speaking, wouldn't it be in their best interest to isolate their own eggs for hatch and destroy the competition, not share a nest?

I've got five that lay and two nest boxes. Now two of the five have recently gone broody and are holding the box hostage. It's very invonvenient for humans and layers and broody alike to just use one box. Stupid birds!

Not necessarily.. the more offspring you hatch, whether genetically yours or not, the more likely that at least a couple of them will make it to adulthood and pass on their genes. They're both evolutionary methods of preserving one's species. Like turtles will lay hundreds of thousands of eggs on a single beach strand at once so that when they hatch.. they're are literally so many babies that the predators can't physically eat them all. I think there is a type of duck that will lay communally in a single nest, the benefit being that with more eyes to watch for and guard against predators, they up the chances that more of their young will survive to adulthood.
wow! this turned out to be an interesting discussion.
It is good to know that is not an unusual behavior.
I feel I am in good company!
thanks for all the great comments!
I have 2 separate coops of hens. Both coops only use one spot to lay. 1st coop is the middle box. If the middle box is occupied they lay in the neighboring box then jump to the middle one as soon as the hen moves. Other coop they don't lay in the boxes, but they all lay in a bucket that has hay in it. And in that coop they yell at each other while they wait their turn. Wouldn't it be easier to go to an empty spot? Sometimes I will have 2 hens in the hay bucket @ a time. My girls must think it is a really good nesting bucket.
Not complaining, just worried about when they all the hens start laying eggs. Found a crushed egg in the nesting box a couple of days ago with four other eggs. My girls are getting big and heavy so I just want to make sure I am not being served scrambled eggs.

Last night I put in some dummy eggs (spreading them out through other nesting boxes) to see if helps.
I skipped this and went straight to community nesting boxes since I read that's what they will essentially do anyways. 3-4 ladies can fit comfortably in theirs together, although, they never do. Usually both corners are occupied, so I may put up a center divider to see if that makes it more comfortable for more than 2 to be in there at the same time.

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