All my hens but one are missing feathers at the base of their tail


6 Years
Jan 22, 2017
All my hens but onehave bald patches at the base of their tails. The skin is very leathery and dry but unbroken. No one is laying either. Could one hen be picking on all the others?
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Do you have any roosters in your flock or just the hens? The location of the bare spots is a common one to see "rooster damage", so that is the first thought that would come to mind if there are males in your flock.
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Do you have any roosters in your flock or just the hens? The location of the bare spots is a common one to see "rooster damage", so that is the first thought that would come to mind if there are males in your flock.

x2.Check for Lice/Mites.They can do a lot of damage.
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Do you have any roosters in your flock or just the hens?  The location of the bare spots is a common one to see "rooster damage", so that is the first thought that would come to mind if there are males in your flock.
They might be picking each other, but the solution for mites and lice is easier than the solution for picking. They may also be mating each other. Hens don't need to make sense in that department. It can be a dominance thing.
Lice or mites could be the cause, and if so, I would recommend using Prozap Garden and Poultry Dust, but they could also be molting. For some reason, one of my hens is molting right now, so I wouldn't be too concerned.
Same problem here. I checked at night with a flashlight, no mites or lice. Treated them anyway. It seems to only affect the dark colored birds. I have seven coops/runs. 32 hens and 4 roosters. The 2 coops that are affected are out in the open. The rest are inside a fence and they are fine. I have welded wire and hardware cloth around the bottom. Also concrete around the bottom to stop predators from digging. Sparrows and wrens can still get in. They carry mites and lice. Feathers are full of protein.Chickens will pick each other for that protein. I raised their protein and treated them for mites. It may be overcrowded . Might be the pecking order.The dark ones are bare around the vent but still laying. I need help too!

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