All my new baby pics lost in a SCAM in St. Louis, MO

This may not help you now, but in the future it will!!

I have also experienced what you did, and after that i began storing all of my pictures and writing on an SD card, or a USB drive (they can be bought for as little as ten bucks at wal-mart). With big enough USB drives, you can store thousands of pics and documents, and it never ever leaves your possession. That way, if a hard drive ever crashes, you may only lose pics for a couple of weeks (if you forgot to save to the USB) instead of years.

Hope it helps, much sympathy *hugs*
I highly recommend storing all your pics on Picasa Web albums. It is completely free and each time you download pics to your computer with Picasa (also free from Google) you can immediately upload them to your web albums. That keeps them safe in a virtual album that you can access from anywhere, anytime. I tell my husband (who is not quite as computer saavy) "Imagine it as a filing cabinet in the sky that you can open just by typing in it's address and a password".

I even scanned a bunch of family photos from "B.C." (before computers) and have them stored on my Picasa web albums. I gave the login information to my immediate family members and they can get to them as well.

So sorry for your loss....
Brilliant idea:thumbsup
We had a break-in earlier this year and they only took a bag of meat from the freezer and our external hard drive. Every picture we took from when I was pregnant, videos of my son when he was born, a video of him with my dad who died when my son was 7 months old... gone.
Ironically we saved the pictures on the hard drive to keep them save. My son started playing on the computer and would delete things like photo's, so we put all the things we didn't want to lose on the drive...
It's been awhile now, but I'm still royally PO'd by the loss.

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