All of my chickens are dying Gurgling, gasping Its ILT~UPDATE

We do have wild birds around. I don't know how to keep them away.
I just wanted to say I'm so very sorry for this- it is very very very hard to lose birds you care about deeply, and you should be respected for the lengths you are willing (and able, thank Heavens) to traverse to keep the birds you have.

It is important for you to know all of the risk with the vaccine and whether the vaccinated birds will be asymptomatic carriers forever- talk again to the Dr. who did the necropsy regarding this and see if you can test a vaccinated bird after the period the vaccination takes to mature in their systems- perhaps you'll have an answer about adding birds to you flock after this. Also, know that YOU may carry the disease when you got to the feed store, etc, so wash up, wear clean shoes, and be careful not to transfer this into another person's flock.

I don't let anyone who has birds or visits other people's birds on my property due to paranoia...a lot of folks shake their heads at me...but I watched a good friend lose everything and have troubles for over a year because of Coryza. It's sooooooooo hard to have this stuff!
First of all I want to say that I'm very sorry to hear about your infected flock.

Vaccination of your birds is an option, but that means you are willing to live with this disease. You realize that the birds that survive will carry the virus even if they are eventually immune to it. So if you plan on rebuilding your flock, the future birds will be exposed once they enter the flock and you could start the whole cycle again. If it were me, I would cull the flock and disinfect and then start over with new chickens in the spring.
Don't be sorry for your feelings as you are not alone. I have seen cattlemen saddle up and check on new calves when everyone else was in the "fraidy hole" avoiding a bad storm or hand feed sick calves. Now to hand feed a sick calf you place the feed directly into the stomach one hand full at a time. Horsemen are the same way and I have seen the hardest looking cowboys tear up when talking about their favorite horse from years ago. They can easily speak of the day when family was lost but the animals always gets to them.

Living in the city has not got a thing to do with it. If you ever lose the ability to cry over your critters that is the time to sell them off and go back to the city.

There are those that are animal owners and those that are animal keepers. A keeper is special because of the love and respect that they show for the animals that depend on them. Sometimes mistakes are made and that is a part of life, please don't be hard on yourself for what has happened. The birds may not have brought this in, it could have come on your place from any number of things like wild birds or rodents.

X10! this is so true, animals get sick and die for various reasons, it just happens. No matter how well you care for them in fact, it still happens. There are ppl we know of breeding horses and neglecting them, junk and old barbed wire in their pasture, no v!!accinations etc. And wouldnt you know it they seem to always do fine, foals are healthy, even get the color patterns they want, one time they didnt even know the mare had foaled for 2 weeks!!! And here we are, taking great care of our mares, spending a lot of money on them, after all its a breeders responsibility, and weve had things go wrong every time, freak accidents, illness,etc. Thats just part of the game, so stay in it, the alternative is missing out on all the enjoyment they have to offer. We have all been through things like this, its very hard, esp. now when youre in the midst of all the stress. Hang in there, things will get better!
(sorry for getting a little off topic....
Are the birds that are new to the flock still healthy? If so they maybe the source with reactivation of the virus due to the stress of the move, so the incubation period could be irrelevant as to when they were introduced. I think it would be most likely you new birds. Vaccines protect against acquiring disease, not once it is present. From a public health/biosecurity perspective it would be recommended to eliminate any potential source(cull), clean and start over with healthy birds.
Don't be sorry for your feelings as you are not alone. I have seen cattlemen saddle up and check on new calves when everyone else was in the "fraidy hole" avoiding a bad storm or hand feed sick calves. Now to hand feed a sick calf you place the feed directly into the stomach one hand full at a time. Horsemen are the same way and I have seen the hardest looking cowboys tear up when talking about their favorite horse from years ago. They can easily speak of the day when family was lost but the animals always gets to them.

Living in the city has not got a thing to do with it. If you ever lose the ability to cry over your critters that is the time to sell them off and go back to the city.

There are those that are animal owners and those that are animal keepers. A keeper is special because of the love and respect that they show for the animals that depend on them. Sometimes mistakes are made and that is a part of life, please don't be hard on yourself for what has happened. The birds may not have brought this in, it could have come on your place from any number of things like wild birds or rodents.

X10! this is so true, animals get sick and die for various reasons, it just happens. No matter how well you care for them in fact, it still happens. There are ppl we know of breeding horses and neglecting them, junk and old barbed wire in their pasture, no v!!accinations etc. And wouldnt you know it they seem to always do fine, foals are healthy, even get the color patterns they want, one time they didnt even know the mare had foaled for 2 weeks!!! And here we are, taking great care of our mares, spending a lot of money on them, after all its a breeders responsibility, and weve had things go wrong every time, freak accidents, illness,etc. Thats just part of the game, so stay in it, the alternative is missing out on all the enjoyment they have to offer. We have all been through things like this, its very hard, esp. now when youre in the midst of all the stress. Hang in there, things will get better!
(sorry for getting a little off topic....

Thank you so much.
Your kindness means a lot.
most of the birds who had symptoms have been culled. Three are slightly ill and have been separated in an entirely different building. Everything has been cleaned with a bleach solution. The EXISTING flock is fine. It was just the new ones who were sick and ONE of my original birds, and she is not showing too many symptoms. I talked to the Doctor who did the necopsy and she will likely help me determine if the vaccine is working. The one I am getting is SUPPOSED to prevent them from shedding the virus again. All I can do is try. If I have to start over, I will do so in the spring. I am just really sad and spend a lot of money, time and effort trying to save them but did have to cull about 7 so far. Three died of their own accord and I am not sure the heat wave we had didn't push them over the edge. Again, these were the new birds. My existing flock is okay so far but one. I am just praying I can save them.
Oh, and I have "chicken" shoes and regular shoes. I have no other people in my life who have private chicken flocks. And we have bleach spray we use for our shoes.
That is likely going to happen but I can't live with myself if I don't try to save my 10 birds.

Even if I start over in the spring, it is okay to vaccinate them against this so it never happens again???

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