All of my ducks were killed last night!

Raccoon poop is gross and nothing like a rat's poo. Of course, the point is moot now since you've figured out what your predator is. But for future reference, you can google "whateveranimal scat" and click on "images" to look at pictures of poo. Fun, fun.
I used rat poison, the blue pellet kind. Works great but you have to be careful that your livestock, pets, kids, etc can't get to it.

I placed the boxes under pallets and behind stacked wood where rats like to hide. I've tried the large mouse trap stuff, but the rats are way too smart for them and trip them and get the food.
I just got my "haveaheart" trap for my unwanted visitor-murderer. I'm going to set it this afternoon and aim my camera at it for the night.

Oh,yea....I think I found out where it got in. It's ABOVE the electrical panel as you enter the garage. The insulation was completely knocked out of the opening. I can't see where it enters outside, but rest assured, he is one smart sleazy cookie. And he leaves is musty smell everywhere!

I'll keep you posted on the results.

If I get him in the trap, I will take the trap and himself to the duck's pool........and well, er.....drop it in.
Don't worry though.....I plan to dry him off in our out-outdoor wood boiler furnace.
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Good plan. Be careful minks are vicious biters. It is a mink, the smell gives it away. You should hear them scream they are so loud that you thing a very large critter the size of bear must be around. I hope you will get it.

The only good news I have is that they live a solitary lifestyle. So you are done once you get this one.
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However.......I have heard and read that if the must smell is strong enough, another of its kind may want to take over the territory.
No it is the other way around. They mark their territory like dogs. Any intruder will be fought off. The males only go outside their territory when it is mating season looking for that particular female scent. They mate and split up. No hanging around together.

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