all roosters?


10 Years
Jul 16, 2010
North Carolina
I added 4 two month old chickens to our flock back in late June, straight run. We were replacing a couple lost hens. About a week ago I noticed one trying to mount one of our hens but this one was smaller of the 4. This week one of the chickens we were quite sure was a rooster started crowing. This morning 3 of them started crowing but the crows were all different. The chicken we suspected as rooster has a solid strong crow. The other ones is not nearly as defined and one of them even sounds like a weak constipated crow. I have heard that hens can sometimes crow like a rooster so I want to make sure I am only getting rid of the extra roosters and not a hen. What would be best way to make selection? Going to be going out of town in a few days and would like to take care of the selection process so my wife does not have to deal with any fighting.
I added 4 two month old chickens to our flock back in late June, straight run. We were replacing a couple lost hens. About a week ago I noticed one trying to mount one of our hens but this one was smaller of the 4. This week one of the chickens we were quite sure was a rooster started crowing. This morning 3 of them started crowing but the crows were all different. The chicken we suspected as rooster has a solid strong crow. The other ones is not nearly as defined and one of them even sounds like a weak constipated crow. I have heard that hens can sometimes crow like a rooster so I want to make sure I am only getting rid of the extra roosters and not a hen. What would be best way to make selection? Going to be going out of town in a few days and would like to take care of the selection process so my wife does not have to deal with any fighting.
Pictures? Sounds like roosters tho. If they are just now starting to crow, it will sound broken and messed up. Straight run is mainly just all those cockerels they don’t know what to do with.
Can you post pics?

While unusual for females to crow it is not impossible. I would say though that most often a crowing female is an elderly bird not pullets.
I should have clarified straight run. These were given to me by a friend who hatched a bunch of eggs from her flock.


lol. My luck. Funny. Thanks for identification. Are you using the more pointy feathers as the clue. They are all bigger then my hens but also vary in size.

Those pointed hackle and saddle feathers, reported crowing and mounting the hens are what tell me they are all males.

Very handsome birds by the way.

The one partly blocked by the post I am going off the hackle feathers and hen mounting. If you have a picture showing the whole bird I suspect we will see pointed saddle feathers too.

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