All the animals I want

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Sheep is on the top of my list, and meat rabbits, and quail... maybe turkeys? But I'm a bit doubtful about them.
Oh and geese!
Hey I have sheep! :D Around 50 at the moment,
March is the best month ever, lambs!! :celebrate And I'm getting meat rabbits this summer, though I'll probably get attatched... We'll see
Geese are lovely, they really aren't mean as people say or see, yes they may boss other poultry around, but the worst they do is push everyone else away from the food bowl, and then let them eat after they're done. And maybe hiss at anyone who comes into their personal bubble
Yeah I was chased by one as a kid….I believe I was like 5 or something. We were fishing and of course I didn’t know they were even there and next thing you know I’m being hissed at and chanced. So I have always been a little nervous around them. I do find them VERY beautiful, just not sure if it would be different as getting them as goslings.
Well, during mating season and they have a mate, they will hiss at you
They don't get up to chase you normally, just hissing
I have so many animals on my list right now. I would like to add more chickens, but I would like to finish expanding their run first because I don't want them to pick on each other if they have to be confined for any reason. Another dog is also on my list to get soon.

My wishlist is a mile long, honestly. I know I have several breeds of chickens on it, as well as turkeys, ducks, geese, quail (maybe coturnix, though I haven't decided yet), a dairy cow, sheep, and goats. I might possibly get pigs, though I'm undecided on that yet. I would also love to have some pet rats, a hamster, indoor birds of some kind (budgies, maybe a pair of conjures, some finches or canaries possibly), and probably a snake of some kind. Most of these are for the future, though. I have to do more research before adding them, anyway.
Well, during mating season and they have a mate, they will hiss at you
They don't get up to chase you normally, just hissing
I know one sat with, as I grew older found out it must have been eggs it was setting on, while the other one chased me and flapped its wings. It didn’t chase me far but enough I didn’t want to go fish over there any more 🤣. I might still look into them. I find them just beautiful. I think it would be a good learning experience for my kids. I didn’t have anything but moo moos and my dad butchered them. I want my kids to experience farm life. Learn what it takes in raising animals but also the joys in it.
I know one sat with, as I grew older found out it must have been eggs it was setting on, while the other one chased me and flapped its wings. It didn’t chase me far but enough I didn’t want to go fish over there any more 🤣. I might still look into them. I find them just beautiful. I think it would be a good learning experience for my kids. I didn’t have anything but moo moos and my dad butchered them. I want my kids to experience farm life. Learn what it takes in raising animals but also the joys in it.
Well; Geese are wonderful! Especially if you get a bond with them, just remember to socialize them well so they don't go hissing at your kids :)
It really relys on where the interest lays in kids :) I'm a teen if I haven't made it clear enough aha, my interest is in birds, all birds on the farm are my responsibility because I've been studying them for years, though I could never be able to take care of the sheep, pigs or horses :,)
Teens are some of my favorite people (I teach high school).
My list grows pretty fast. I currently have 17 pullets (7 laying but still not a year) and one cockerel (not a year yet either). 4 white call ducks. 2 girls and 2 boys. One Rottweiler that is 2 years old and just had 6 babies last week. 3 boys and 3 girls. Yes, we are keeping all 6. We don’t want them to become a cute Christmas gift (even though starting price would be $1,500) that they don’t want later or becoming a breeding profit, a lot of people don’t have Rottweilers around here but are always looking for them. Oh and 6 kids, 5 girls 1 boy.

So to add to the crazy, I am getting Light Brahmas, Black Laced Silver Wyandotte, and more French Black Marans this spring. Also we are hoping for some Silver Call ducks. The lady we are buying from is going to try to hatch some but we will see what she gets and what we ACTUALLY end up with (which could be anything and everything). We are hoping to also add goats. I would love some Nigerian goats! My husband wants to add Turkeys so we can have our own grown Turkey for Thanksgiving next year. Which I told him fine, but he is cleaning it and that we have to get more than one so we can hatch our own and have a continued supply of Turkeys. Peafowl is on my list of wants to add but I’m not sure my husband is game for that one…I guess we will see. Geese would be cool but I’m worried they will be mean like they are in the wild…maybe it’s different hand raising them.

I would love moo moos (yes I’m 35 and call cows moo moos), but they are expensive to take care of and I wouldn’t want to butcher it. It would have to go to Auction for something like that. Also I would love horses but again expensive and takes a lot of care. Not that I don’t mine the extra expense or extra time but with 6 kids I have to be realistic. So these would be probably AFTER my kids move out….youngest is 2 and depending on when he leaves the home…I’m looking at another 16 years or so….
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