All the drakes can’t leave daffy alone

I'd pen all males in one area and all females in a different area.
If in your situation I'd keep all males away until all females heal completely. Talking about the balding spots. Those will quickly progress to bleeding wounds if you don't.
Later you could probably get away with one male and the three females but I'd pick a less aggressive breeding male from the three.
Two males need to go or be permanently separated from the group.
Just my opinion.
There are 3 and 3 n daisy is a male and he’s so sad with out daffy they’ve always been together . It’s the 2 drakes that came from the “ babies”
Welcome to BYC. 3 drakes gang breeding one duck hen = a recipe for disaster. They will either injure or potentially kill her - especially if they are breeding her in a pool/pond.
2of them attack her wherever they see her . The other drake goes after them like a bull it’s ugly to see so when I seen all that I was keeping all babies together and daffy n daisy together but now another hen is being abused uhhhggg so …………. We are going hens n drakes

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