All this incubating going on, how do you manage your hatches and flock. WARNING MAY GET GRAPHIC!!!

Sounds to me like the OP is asking how to cull a young chick to not raise out the unwanted males. If I'm wrong, please correct.

Methods of culling chicks has been discussed here, not so much for gender but for deformaties, etc.

We have a thriving pet large snake population here, so I could sell unwanted cockerel chicks to those folks.

If I really didn't want to raise them up and eat them (which is what I do, btw. But if you think even a mushy cornish cross is tough, you'll never ever be happy with a home raised chicken) I'd just have my honey shoot them with a pellet gun. He's a great shot and one pellet to the head and it's all over.

I agree you need to have a plan in place before you go hatching. Just like breeding any animal, you need to be sure there's a market or have a plan to manage the offspring yourself.
Yes, that was what I was asking. Thank you, I want to offer Easter Eggers and a few other breed in my community. I've already had 9 rosters that I purchased as part of a straight run from a breeder and could not get rid of them. I was hoping to sell them as reptile food but there does not seem to be much of a market here. I only asked 2.00 for them and couldn't get that. I know the hatcheries kill hatchlings that are roosters I just didn't know what method.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, that was what I was asking. Thank you, I want to offer Easter Eggers and a few other breed in my community. I've already had 9 rosters that I purchased as part of a straight run from a breeder and could not get rid of them. I was hoping to sell them as reptile food but there does not seem to be much of a market here. I only asked 2.00 for them and couldn't get that. I know the hatcheries kill hatchlings that are roosters I just didn't know what method.
Thanks for the reply.
The hatcheries have a machine called a mascerator that grinds them into chicken meal for dog food, etc.
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As an aside, and I am not an OT, but have raised volumes in a short time, rather than sell them for $2.00 or give them away, I kill them and can them. I still have some from last fall. Any time I need broth, shredded chicken or want chicken and noodles, I go get a jar and thank the birds for it. Free ranging doesn't cost that must and 4-5.... 10 roosters don't eat much when I buy feed by the ton.
I suppose it is all perspective.
Yes, that was what I was asking. Thank you, I want to offer Easter Eggers and a few other breed in my community. I've already had 9 rosters that I purchased as part of a straight run from a breeder and could not get rid of them. I was hoping to sell them as reptile food but there does not seem to be much of a market here. I only asked 2.00 for them and couldn't get that. I know the hatcheries kill hatchlings that are roosters I just didn't know what method.
Thanks for the reply.
The hatcheries grind them up alive.

I'd say take some shears to them, but I grow my cockerels for meat. They don't eat much if on free range. Like Delisha said, there are ways at fixing the toughness, but I'm still working on it.

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