all who are hatching quail

Myself and others here have raised birds with that exact condition, I sold one to a meat customer last week, I did point it out.

He said "I dont care I'm not going to eat his head" The bird was of course full grown.

I grind all my feed to help reduce waste, plus I run it through a sifter twice a day to remove contaminants.

you may have to grind his food, his lower beak will likely grow long and narrow and the top will curl downward even more.

mine would eat "upside down" sort of the way a backhoe digs. but he was fine.
I have one just like it in the brooder right now. He's about a week old and gets around fine. If he can eat, drink, and walk around let him go and eat him when he grows up. He looks funny but he'll taste just fine.

If he struggles with the basics, you'll want to put him down. I'm not sure what causes that level of deformity, since the one I hatched last week is the first I've seen and was from shipped eggs. I'd guess inbreeding, but incubator conditions could play a role i suppose.

Did your chick come from shipped eggs? If so would you mind sharing where?
Don, mine also. from a very small farm here in GA. the eggs were badly mishandled by the post office and spent two nights out in the cold, below freezing. I did not think any would hatch.
had two deformities out of roughly 50 chicks. one with the one eye another with no eyes.

Here is the card; Set 63 eggs, 47 live hatches, two with deformities. 12 eggs infertile, 4 died in shell
0 mortality through 4th week.

If you want the farmers name, PM.
Hi everyone im currently hatching out 22 japanese quail eggs 10 so far but one is rather deformed. he/she is perking up but only has 1 eye a wonkey beak and an incaved head where the other eye should be. how long should i leave it before i should consider culling? hes/she perking up and isnt being picked on. any advice would b much appreciated. all the others are doing fine. right side no eye, crooked beak left side crooked beak, perfect eye. tip of beak has something on it or is blunt, not sure yet right side again no eye incaved head and scissored beak
i would cull it now. With it's beak like that it will have a hard time eating and drinking if it can at all. And those are likely genetic defects so any offspring it produces could be deformed also
I'm convinced its an incubation problem, not genetic.

It will live fine, I've seen several with this condition.

Titika, if you just want to kill something I've some extra roos, come on over I'll put you to work...LOL ; )
I'm convinced its an incubation problem, not genetic.

It will live fine, I've seen several with this condition.

Titika, if you just want to kill something I've some extra roos, come on over I'll put you to work...LOL   ; )
doesn't seem like a very good quality of life. With it's beak like that it will struggle to eat and drink normally. Just my opinion
doesn't seem like a very good quality of life. With it's beak like that it will struggle to eat and drink normally. Just my opinion

Yeah, I understand, but the one I raised and others others have raised have not had any problem eating or drinking.
thanks everyone.
hes up and about and running everywhere like a loon! eating and drinking well.
when he came out of the shell his face as very squished against the side.
we can now see another small eye in the concaved bit of his head.
was the only one to hatch out this way all the rest are fine bar one which is a bit weak atm.
they were shipped eggs as well.
i personally think he was too big for the shell as all the others are perfectly fine.
he can open his beak all the way but isnt putting on the weight as quick as the others, so will keep my eye on him.
any recomendation as to what to feed the weak chick?
we have used yolk and sugard water.

also one eggs still hatching ,which has been hatching for over 12hrs, still hasnt emerged and it looks like the membrane is drying out , i keep making sure the humidity is nice and high but hes making slow progress!
they were shipped through ebay, but im in the uk so probs no good for u :) out of 24 eggs 20 have hatched. 1 deformed and 1 weak. the rest are fine. havnt checked the rest yet until its day 20 and ill call it a day for the rest.

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